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Hey guys, the results of my last poll, regarding how to schedule future comics was this:

A comic series will now run for 4 weeks before I move to another one. Basically each month will showcase a different comic, with pinups/animations still being posted as usual every two weeks for $10 patrons. Now, each comic update will be 8 pages long instead of 4! 

Before I get to that, I wanted to list all of the comics I've updated in the last few months and get a read of how popular each one is with you guys. If I'm gonna run a comic for a whole month, I want it to be ones that most people are into. So I'm going to keep the lineup down to 4 comics, and the goal will be to move these stories along to completion so that other new comics can begin sooner.

So below, please vote for as many options as you like, but try to choose 1 or 2 that are your favorites. ALL patrons are welcome into this poll. I will use this poll + my personal input to choose which comics will begin the 4 week cycles at the end of this month, the order of which will be voted on in another poll. The first 4 week cycle will begin after two more weeks of Ben 10 starting this Friday + two weeks of Incredibles.

Thank you anyone who stayed around for another month with me! I got some good stuff coming for you!



When you see Carmen and Kelsie in last for the moment: :( When you see Dicky Vicky well in the lead: "I love democracy"


It’s time for communism my comrades


That feeling when Carmen isn't first place. You've betrayed me this day Jay Marvel fans. You've betrayed me.


I'd love to pick Carmen but goddamn that Incredibles is just too good


We gotta fight for the Carmen y’all, cmon we can do this

Alexis Peck

Everyone, send Carmen your energy! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


i like all of them so :)


dicky vicky let's go


I want to see more of Carmens little sister






The Freak Show comic is also pretty great, if you ever plan on continuing that with Daze.


The Freak Show was great!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope you do more of elastic girl in the incredibles.


What about bnha SAD!


Or Dbz extra SAD!!!


I love the Freak Show stuff but I don’t feel right doing work featuring his characters on my Patreon. That’s why I’ve taken it off of polls. But I’d love to do stuff with him in the future


I’m trying to focus on finishing long running comics before starting new ones. I’d love to be drawing MHA or DBZ though. They definitely will come.


What happened to Naruto one?


I'm gonna focus on finishing the 4 most popular comics I've already updated before I move on to ones like the Naruto comic