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How do you think Meryl will react when she receives this text and photo from Peach.

Sexy answers only.




"If that's mine, make sure you bring your friends over tonight. You girls are going to be mothers together, understand?" 2 seconds later "Those better be triplets, Peach"


Unless it's from multiple creampie, she'll say: "How the F*ck is it even possible??"


"how much did you make?" "210$ and 50 cents" "one of them only gave 50 cents!?" "all of them..."


“Why would I be mad? We should frame this and put it on the wall for everyone to see 😘”


“Name! I have a wedding to plan and a horny little fuck to threaten.”

Other Spike

Meryl: "Honestly I'm more surprised. I was expecting April to text me this. You're still being spanked though."


Meryl: text back a photo of her younger self in the same ish position from years ago. "I guess it my turn to do what what Aunt Charlie did with me! YOUR CARRIERING IT TO TERM!!! Along with that YOUR GOING IN CHASTITY TILL IT GETS HERE!!! It's going to be a very long pregnancy but mommy will be here with and in you the whole time.

Barry Nestler

I think Meryl would be shock seeing peach pregnant and a little mad that she didn’t get a chance to fill peach up like that


Definitely agree with barry. Maybe Meryl could ask or even make Peach to give her and everyone else kids and possibly even Piston Puppies.


Meryl: 🥰 How long are you planning to hold it? Are you wearing that new plug I got you?