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Not gonna lie comrades, past couple weeks been rough. Airsoft hobby that i enjoy  got banned in my state without warning. In complete draconian and authoritative move, without consolation police minister decided to ban it with no consolation or compensation. I been helping with organizing protests by designing and printing posters. 

You can imagen that creatively that had pretty depressive impact on me. 

But regardless i mustered some some energy to make my self a bit happier by drawing Peach in cute outfit holding one of my favorite pop culture shotguns, Spas-12.

Hope you enjoy this. Ill be back later in a month with some work finishing 3 commissions i got in pipeline.



Hortak The Hearty

That's really upsetting and unfortunate to hear, I hope the protesting goes well.


Oh man that sucks about them banning airsoft! I don't know how that could go under the radar without people knowing it was coming. I hope you and your friends in the airsoft community are able to get it unbanned. *supportive yetihug* stay strong my god emperor of awesomeness friend. That said at least this inspiring you to create this beautiful sexy badass kickass masterpiece of pure flawless perfection. I have to say Peach looks amazing gorgeous in these. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

Shawn Yarbrough

Sorry to hear it, hobbies are important, they inspire us and help with so relax us from work. I don’t know how well I’d handle it if I couldn’t do one of mine. Hope things get better. So Protest and make your voice heard. Great work by the way.

Kenneth Winkelman

Dude, that fucking blows! It seems like the powers that be are cracking down on the hobbies red blooded meat eating males can enjoy. I miss my old Spas-12.

John Storm

Hello, I'm new here. Many years ago I stumbled upon your art and actually found it at patreon. I have to say your art has lost none of its fascination. These pictures are special, nice that they kept their style :) Many Thanks!


peach yyds


I'm terribly sorry that Airsoft has been banned in your State. This is terrible. Hopefully something can be done. Love the art, keep up the amazing work.