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Lets give it a go. Ask me questions and i try to answer them.



What software are you using to draw your artwork? When did you start to draw and how long did it take you to become good at it?


I use Photoshop CS6, and been using photoshop since the beginning. I started in early 2000's, I would not say that im good at it but, first progress started showing in second year of doing it.


Will we see Roxy's character profile ?


Sweet! Okay, Okay so we seen Peach in his workouts using bigger and bigger dildos does this mean that he is going to be gangbanged like Country soon or Peach taking care of people's dogs? Also, well we see Emily have sex with April since Peach give her to her for Christmas?


Behind the scenes Peach is regular participants in gangbangs, im sure we will see him in one. Emily and April could happen.

Mr. Fizzer

Did you ever think Peach would be your most popular character when you created April's family?


Yes i knew it before even drawing him, secret underground soviet supercomputer told me.


Since you are rather new to Patreon, what is your opinion of it and how could it improve further?


Have you ever considered making any drawing tutorials or guides? Your comprehension of anatomy is spectacular.


I like it, i like how easy it to post and communicate. That's a big problem on my main site. I would like to see something done about people who "dine and run" .

Mr. Fizzer

When you create new characters, where do you start? Design, personality, name?

Ciera Shaw

Reckon you'll ever draw grown-up versions of Emily and Scarlett after their second puberties? Would love to see how much they end up taking after their mother.

Sousuke Drake

Will we ever see Peach wearing male clothes again? I could see some story possibility's for a Visual Novel, like having a classmate or a new teacher discover Peach's true nature


Have any recommended tutorials or resources for someone looking to improve their illustration skills?


I love your work; however, I really enjoy the work involving non-futa women getting ridden hard, and the bestiality stuff you used to create. I know you have a solid fan base for the futa work, but I’m hoping you can throw in non-futa women again. Any chance?