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With Peaches diet mainly consisting of junk food, energy drinks and cum,

he makes sure put in quality cardio work no less than 3 times a week.



Mr. Fizzer

Dildo bikes, my new favorite fetish. :)


how many times he came on that cardio ? he'll need more condoms...


everyone is getting fit these days, I can't wallow in my flab anymore XD


how's he gonna become buff like Meryl if he's burning his gains?


I just love Peach. He is so sexy no matter what he does. I bet the other at the gym would to help him with his cardio. Doesn't one of his friend work at the gym? Does she help him like girl helps his mother? It would save him money on condoms and give her something to eat. Love this gorgeous masterpiece. Thank you so much for this beautiful. *yetihug*


would pay for being this blue dildo :p


Content s of these gym condoms defenetly go into protein shakes.


Oh that is good marketing. I bet Emily uses her discount to have those protein shakes, though she must love it straight from the tap. Great work.