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Im helping out Western Australia Airsoft Club, Inc. with graphic design on volunteer basis.

Did i quick recolour of previous Elodie image, to be used to promote survey.

PS: im finding out that australian can be quiet prudish. Or maybe its current SJW climate. I got few "objectifying womens" type of comments from young man with weak chins.



Mr. Fizzer

I mean, you draw porn. It's kinda what you do. :P


Lol. ask those larpers why it's OK to objectify the military :D Then send them this and tell them to stop being the weak-links of civilisation. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhPnxmw4xNA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhPnxmw4xNA</a>


Damn you Westies having Airsoft XD *Keeps eyeing a nice MG42....*


Did those young men just assume her gender? :)