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"My friend Tomie is dead. Pieces of her body were found scattered everywhere."

"I hear some are still missing as she was chopped to bits."

Those were the words heard around the school as they had mourned the shock loss of the most beautiful girl in school. What a surprise it was for everyone to find her show up not ten minutes after the conclusion of her own funeral, appearing healthy as ever.

Perhaps a little 'too healthy' would have been the right way to put it. Without a doubt this was indeed Tomie, but an exceeding amount of her was more than present. Shocked students and teachers alike crowded around to see if she wasn't wearing a fat suit or had simply been beyond ill.

"Kehehehe, I knew that she'd be back."

A young man cackles at the back of the room, clutching in his possession what appears to be a clay fertility idol.

"My rituals never fail. I'll not allow Tomie to pass on without accepting my confession. She'll be stuck in that body, bloated like a corpse until she does."

Soiichi was an odd child. No one ever took him or his 'curses' seriously of course but the results certainly spoke for themselves. Rather than heckle him as usual, the class could only fall silent, their collective attention torn between Tomie's bewitching gaze and the sound of fabric stretching and tearing.

"M-my bra?! It's popped off!"

"My skirt doesn't want to close!"

"W-whats happening to me?! I'm getting huge!"

Both Tomie and Soiichi smiled as one by one th erest of the girls of the classroom began to swell and bulge out of their uniforms, their bodies gradually conforming to become fatter and heavier until they reached Tomie's size and larger.

"We can't have anyone else being more beautiful and slender than me, after all. That just wouldn't be right."


Thanks to Kuroagumochi for this wonderful piece!



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