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A little fan art from @ashelytheartist

Check out her twitter some time!


Nurses have always been your biggest weakness.

Cute enough to stop your heart and skilled enough to restart it.

Trying to look on the bright side, you reminded yourself of this fact as you entered the hospital. It was better than thinking yourself a fool injuring yourself while cooking.

It would have been nice if you were cooking for her.

The nurse assigned to you was ‘thicc’ in all the right places as you looked her over. She appeared to take her job quite seriously and loved to see the smiles she got from a job well done.

A model of femininity right down to the roll of fat which surged over her swollen thighs as she balanced the first aid box upon them.

People would pity you if they knew what fantasies you had in store for the likes of someone like her.

There was something about that meek attitude, those kind eyes and curvy figure that immediately alerted you to the fact she was the sort of girl who craved attention. She would likely do anything you asked if you managed to win her over too.

You would take her out to eat far more than once in a week and made it clear to her that you liked to watch. So, she would reciprocate. This one merely chubby doormat would grow fatter in no time, desperate for the attention that you would shower on her in a bid to bolster her flickering self esteem. She would eat everything down to the last crumb if it would please you and you would make it clear that you wanted her to eat more.

She considers you a patient now, but it would be impossible for her to not want you after she tasted what you could make for her, capturing her mind, body and soul through the culinary arts. You would provide her with good food and she would provide you with all the care you could ever need.

If only you could convince her to treat you for life.

“There we go, will there be anything else today?”

She tilts her head quizzically as she finishes bandaging your wound. You admire the handiwork of her delicate touch.

“I-I hope that didn’t hurt at all…”

You simply shake your head and prepare to leave, deciding not to act out on your fantasies.

“Well then, please be more careful next time. H-have a nice day!”

Her voice cracks a little despite her attempts to put up a professional facade. You can almost feel the heat of her cheeks without turning to see them as you make your way back into your life and out of hers.

This is why you love nurses.

Cute enough to stop a heart and skilled enough to restart it.



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