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And in the other corner, Roundersofter is matched by Feferokun playing for the queen!

Lets see which girl is the better tactician after all!


Day 28 of the Pegasus Moon (February)

I have been impressed with how quickly the Dawn Brigade’s leader has been able to turn things around.

The first monthly harvests have been sent as a part of our kingdom’s alliance and to this point, there have been no hiccups along the way. Perhaps I was too cautious with my suspicions of Micaiah after all.

Rebuilding has been our number one concern and what scarce resources were available were entirely put forward towards restoring food production. An army can only march as far as its stomach would allow and hence grain became our staple produce for trade.

I was concerned at first with Micaiah’s decision to only request such a meager amount of grain on the provision of doubling it one each and every subsequent month. Granted that the larger kingdom should take the lion’s share, I wonder if both she and her followers will have enough to get through the end of winter.

Not wanting to be seen as an arrogant or selfish ruler, I shall henceforth distinguish myself from my counterpart by doubling her wishes and then some!

We can both afford to relax a little in these otherwise trying times, right?



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