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Name: Sahuagin

Family: Sahuagin

Subtype: Aquatic

Habitat:  Rivers, marshes etc, waterfront eateries.

Disposition: Curious, cautious, entrepreneurial

Employment: Rivertour guides, hospitality, professional fishermen

Aquatic monsters who had lived near shores of bodies of fresh water such as rivers and marshes have become increasingly more exposed to a variety of human produced waste products and trash from major cities. Where normally able to swim freely, accurately subduing their natural prey in the water, microplastics and artificial sweeteners flowing into waste water pipes have changed the quality of their diets and have exposed them to flavors previously unknown to their kind.

With the rise of monster girl tourism across all natural biomes, none are more suited to creeping up to the water’s edge where they spring upon unsuspecting tourists with their flashy wares made from recycled trash as well as a variety of grilled and fried fish cooked in their underwater kitchens. Masters of stealth, some less reputable Sahuagin have sidelined as excellent pickpockets, leading the agencies to step in to curb the rise in web finger discounts.

Simple creatures at heart, most Sahuagin care only about the next meal which has revealed a variety of charming and endearing expressions when offered the prospect of a free meal. This exchange has resulted in a sharp decline in petty thievery which has been honored by their hierarchical social structure, linking the will of their elders through the waterways in but a single command. The more aberrant and rebellious of their kind however, have made it a point to extort this system to its fullest of course, leading the agency to reconsider the terms of the agreement on next renewal to close a few loopholes which were previously overlooked.

The morbid obesity of such individuals does make them easy to identify, having taken payment for their services from both the agency and ‘tips’ from grateful customers. They often express gratitude and a fondness for their expanding size, offering cuddles and even deep kissing for ‘extra’ under the terms of ‘intercultural exchange’. To this point, there have been no claims from any disgruntled customers to suggest any services were less than satisfactory, often silencing any possible dissent through kissing, belly fondling and sometimes ‘whole body tours’ which are still under investigation. As one can see, although they might demonstrate a cold or cautious exterior, their interiors are often full of hidden love and rich emotion made only more prominent by their size.

Furthermore, when eating their favorite food, their expressions undergo an unbelievable degree of changes reveling in great ecstasy and a pure gluttonous lust usually only reserved for mating. While there is still debate about this, it is believed that the additives and microplastics consumed may be supercharging their sexual appetites to a point where if no males are readily available, more and more Sahuagin are believed to become bisexual or engage in entirely lesbian activity on the whole. Fatter Sahuagin in particular seem more prone to this activity, their scales already parted by their gradual obesity making it easier to release sexual pheramones into the surrounding waters. The discarded scales which no longer fit post molting are often also added to the knicknacks sold at their riverside stands which are desired by other monsters and humans alike.

Sahuagin are naturally suited to tight fitting clothes to emphasize their feminine form and to assist with swimming. However, more and more of what appears to be extremely large panties appear to be washing up on nearby beaches, further adding to the water pollution issue.



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