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If only bones could cringe.

Tomoko Kuroki could almost feel the bile welling up in the back of her throat as she looked herself up and down in the mirror.

The swimsuit she had spent so much on was in no way going to fit her boney body, entirely devoid of curves. Her greasy, black locks lay limp across her unwashed face, her sunken eyes ringed with countless bags as she attempted to strike whatever pose she could.

Something had to change if she was going to break free of the hatred she felt of herself.

It was on that day that she decided to bury herself.


“God damn it…”

She gripped the greasy bag of fast food in her hand as she made her way into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her. Tomoko tore off her suffocating uniform as she shoveled handfuls of battered goodness into her mouth as she continued her internal tirade.

“How dare those fuckers charge me 2000 yen for 20 nuggets. That’s like 100 yen a nugget.”

“Don’t they know what kind of allowance I get? They should give me a discount!”

She shoveled a handful of fries down her throat with one hand, washing it with a gulp of soda as she collapsed into her bed, wearing little more than her bra and panties. Despite her anger, her face was awash in pleasure as she savored every flavorful bite.

“It’s like they know I’m already addicted to this feeling and are taking full advantage of me…”

A small potbelly had started to form after doing this after school ritual for weeks now. That pooch of fat which all girls dreaded was a welcome sight for her as she felt the comfort of its folds in her hand. Eating her feelings had become the norm for someone with limiting coping skills like herself.


“Show me your tits.”

That’s what most guys would say to the girls that turned them on.

Honestly, Tomoko hadn’t wanted to since her chest was small and looked weird. Even after all the eating she had done to plump herself up, her nipples had just become a little larger and not much else. It was what she expected for someone unpopular like herself.

Her belly, on the other hand, had grown gigantic. It was a massive, blubbery mass which bulged well over her skirt and shirt, making her almost look like she was pregnant were it not for how much it sagged. She could feel it drag up as she lifted her shirt and allowed her gut to clap down on her thighs.

“Why does only this part get bigger no matter how much I gain? Isn’t one of the perks of being a fat girl to have huge tits?”

She had of course heard the old analogy that ‘having big breasts’ for a fat girl was like having a ‘fast car’ because it was falling off a cliff. Several more weeks of gluttonous stuffings later and she had barely anything to show for herself except a jello belly and a little more meat on her thighs.

“I hope I can get popular for being a fat ass girl instead…” she mumbled before taking a bite of her sauce laden burger, her dry, chapped lips moistened only by the make up which was her food.


Her ass had grown wider, but it was still quite flat.

Taking those vanity photos was a mistake. As Tomoko stood in the mirror, she could only sigh at the sight of her shapeless rear as it sunk into the manifold rolls atop of it.

“This is probably from all my years laying on my back in bed, but I just can’t bring myself to work out.”

She heaved the drooping mass of blubber that was her belly in front of her

“Not that any exercise would do any good about this.”

Fat only ever seemed to accumulate on her belly which in turn had grown at an astonishing pace. The rolls under her breasts were even larger than her actual chest, mocking her and taunting her with the jiggly roundness which she could never have otherwise.

“Maybe, if I’m lucky, someone will mistake these for my actual breasts…Not that it matters since no one would ever want to date me…”

She mulled over the photos she had taken, racking her mind for any way these could be salvaged. If she wanted to just be known for big tits, she could have just put her knees into her shirt  instead of turning herself into thise obese pig of a girl.

But there was no going back now.

“I-I want to post these on the internet but maybe I’ll wait until they’re a little bigger,” she mused, taking a long hard swig of her extra sugary soda.


There was no fighting genetics.

In a room littered with the wrappers and remains of so much unhealthy take out, she admired what stood before her.

Maybe her mind had broken, or maybe her standards had just reached an all time low, but for the first time in her life, she did not immediately puke at the sight of herself. Watching her shapeless body jiggle from every slight movement in the mirror stirred something in her as her mind ran wild with the possibilities.

“I-If people at school see me like this, they’ll think I’m a pig with no inhibitions.”

She began to run her hands down the blubbery sack of her belly, pinching inches of it as she went.

“They’ll start calling me names, throw food at me and slap my belly to watch it jiggle. I bet all the boys from school would take turns seeing what sort of lewd things I would do just for a bite to eat…”

Her hands began to move faster, her enormous gut swaying with the weight of her new emotions.

“And when that happens…I’ll be a total burger slut…and have a harem of guys wanting to take me out to eat every day…”

She lifted her gut and allowed it to slap against her knees. A little more and they would touch the floor when standing. She was so damn fat now and somehow she enjoyed it.

“Hmm…that sounds kinda fun!”

She admired the girl in the mirror, those cringy bones now entombed in a prison of flesh.

“Is this what it means to be happy?”



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