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Name: Kitsune

Family: Majin

Subtype: Inari

Habitat: Global. Can be anywhere populated with humans.

Disposition: Prideful, Arrogant, Independent

Profession: White collar work, shrine maidens. Also prone to get-rich-quick schemes

Special Handling:
Approach individuals with more tails with caution - maxes out at 9

Originally located exclusively in Japan, Kitsune are now among the most far flung and commonly sighted monstergirls. Individuals can be found in almost every major city, though usually as single adult or small family groups. Despite this, Kitsune often live apart from one another and vastly prefer the company of humans.

Despite this, Kitsune are also very choosy about the company they keep. It may take years of frequent observation and testing before a friendship is established. Selecting mates may take even longer, although there have been cases where Kitsune may be infatuated almost immediately.

Inari subtypes are master shapeshifters compared to their other brethren, able to seamlessly blend into human society as regular human women, in comparison to their more flamboyant sisters. Demonstrating their true form is often a mark of trust or deep scorn; a parting shot as though to reveal that they had one last ace up their sleeve before disappearing entirely.

Due to their adapability, Kitsune are often omnivorous. Although demonstrating a preference for meat in their vulpine forms, a generation’s exposure to the ‘cafeteria diet’ of modern society has resulted in a sharp spike in Kitsune obesity with more than a few individuals significantly contributing to the latest census figures per capita. It is believed that this is an evolutionary feature where the tall and thin seductress shapes their ancestors had previously assumed are less provocative to modern society which has instead placed emphasis on terms such as ‘thicc’ and ‘titty monster’ as the most desirable traits.

This in turn, has resulted in many Kitsune gradually breeding into offspring who have developed into bloated parodies of their ancietn counterparts. A large potbelly has become as much a symbol of the species as the fox ears or tails alone, with a sizable chest marking them as perpetual yo-yo dieters. These facts tend to incense most Kitsune - making jokes about the sterotype may inevitably lead to some form of confrontation.

Due to their underlying sensitivity, many Kitsune have now opted to use their powers of illusion to attempt to disguise their actual size when out in public. Larger figures do require more mana to maintain this, meaning that it is usually only the largest of Kitsune who are best suited to leave their homes in search of more sustainance. Conversely, ego stroking and compliments may make them more inclined to show their true selves as their concentration is broken.

Those who choose to enter into a relationship with a Kitsune must therefore be wary of the risk of accidentally taking on a woman far larger than she inisially appears to be. Common red flags may include an unsually voracious appetite for her size as well as a preoccupation with trying to groom their love interest into enjoying ‘soft’ and ‘fluffy’ things. This may often start with her tail/tails but gradually start encroaching onto other aspects of their bodies such as arms, thighs, breasts and eventually belly as the illusion is gradually siphoned away. A public service announcement has been deployed to many major cities where ‘fox waifu scams’ have taken place where wanting to ‘touch fluffy tail’ has quickly devolved into ‘touch fluffy everthing’ before they even realized what was happening.



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