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Obese women were not a common sight in South Korea.

Women of Alice’s size in particular were even rarer still, no matter where you went in the world.

“If only I had a nice shiraz to pair this with,” Alice mused as she contemplated the mountainous plate of fried chicken she had in front of her. “I do wish we could have spent a little more time in the valley…”

“You were the one who had a hankering for fried chicken after all that alcohol,” Ryou uttered nonchalantly as he continued to grill for his enormous mistress. “And you insisted that not just any place would do.”

“But this place doesn’t even have the sauce I wanted!” Alice whined as she began to fill her plate. “And people are staring at me…”

“It’s hard not to when you’re not stuffing your face every step of the way and you’re lucky that this place even has booths to accommodate that gargantuan gut of yours.”

Alice blushed as she grabbed onto her enormous belly. There was certainly no hiding it by this point but she instinctively felt self conscious outside of the privacy of the empty australian outback. A return to civilization and to meet the gaze of so many upon her underdressed figure only made her more aware of the countless rolls and folds which now adorned her form.

“Now that you mention it, I’m surprised you found a place that accommodates women of my size at all,” Alice mused as she allowed her pale, supple fatness to flow through her sausage fingers like thick water. “I had thought that I would be more likely to be judged here, in the plastic surgery capital of the world.”

Ryou sighed as he stopped grilling for a moment and reached into his back pocket to pull up his phone. After a few minutes of intense typing, he plopped it unceremoniously atop Alice’s wobbling bosom. Double chins begot more double chins as she craned her neck down to read.

“The Titanic Tart Trend?”

“Seems like our little world wide food blog has been liked and shared so much that we’ve swung the balance of the fashion industry. People everywhere have caught on to the Toutski way of cooking and the results have been a massive surge in obesity in every country we’ve been to.”

He scrolled the phone for her as she continued to eat, each tap causing Alice’s chest to wobble as she advanced the article.

“You honestly had no idea? The word ‘tart’ is short for ‘sweetheart’ here. Those people staring at you aren’t doing so because they think you’re freakishly fat, but rather because they admire the way you look.”

Reaching the end, Alice could see photos taken of her at the airport, waddling her way through a double wide security scanner and nearly tipping a taxi sideways just trying to load herself in. Ryou snatched the phone away before she could fully admire a candid view of her own rear end nearly as wide as the car itself and placed it back into his pocket.

“God, people here have no decency,” Ryou grumbled. “Taking such photos in Japan without consent would have never flown in the media…Off with all their damn heads I say!”

Alice smiled. So that’s why he was in such a bad mood ever since they landed. She would have considered that a significant weight had been taken off her chest, if not for the fact she knew very well that she had only put a significant amount on there, and her belly, and her hips, and her arms, and her legs.

Still, knowing this only made her feel better all the same.

“Hey Ryou, why don’t we go back to the valley?”

His eyes bulged at the very suggestion

“Go back?!” Ryou began to yell, his voice pitching higher with each exasperated word. “Do you have any idea how much it cost to buy you four seats on a-”

Alice pressed one of her pudgy, chicken stained fingers to his lips with one hand as she parted her top with the other to reveal her cavernous cleavage.

“I don’t feel like being a spectacle for anyone else so ask the chef to pack everything for us to go. If you feed me back at the hotel, I’ll be sure to give you a private grand tour.”

Her Cheshire smile made her double chin wobble just a little to tip him over the edge.

Ryou mouthed the only word he could muster in response.




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