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Monster Girl Health Advisory - Alraune

Family - Alraune

Liminal sub-type - Plant

Habitat: National parks, Forests, Botanical Gardens etc

Profession: Florists, park rangers, landscapers, farmers, confectionary shop owners

Disposition:  Hungry (For lots of things)

Diet: Anything - Weight can reflect the fertility of the local soil and indicate growing conditions.


Alraune are a type of plant monster with a central form of a beautiful woman surrounded by gargantuan flower petals. They tend not to move around too much but release a powerful pheramone which attracts humans.

Over the centuries, men entranced by Alraune have started families with them which in turn has lead to entire communities quickly forming within once uninhabited areas. As human men cannot live on sex alone, despite popular monstergirl propaganda, many Alraune have taken lovers who already live in urbanized  environments in order to preserve the natural habitat where they were born.

This shift in habitat has been supported by city councils looking to beautify their local area as Alraune secrete a constant nectar which greatly encourages natural growth of all vegetation including themselves.  Alraune nectar has therefore become a highly sought after plant growth enhancer which has become one of the main exports used to sustain their new lifestyle.

Where most Alraune prefer large green houses and acreages to live on, many have also adopted what is playfully referred to as the ‘houseplant’ lifestyle. Being mostly indoors has now become entirely possible with the advent of UV lamps and alternative methods of nutrient acquisition including the increasingly popular method of natural composting. In this way, uneaten and scrap food waste are deposited directly into the Alraune’s mouth or pot where she passively breaks them down to their core components. Normally this would result in more nectar, however due to the restrictions of indoor pots, many Alraune have found the excess nutrients quickly accumulate on their central figure, giving them a progressively more plump or even fat appearance.

It should be noted that as they are not subject to the traditional limitations of obesity as seen in other monster girls to this point, Alraune can grow to tremendous sizes without significant hinderances. However, if an obese indoor Alraune is not transposed to a larger pot or growing area she may start to produce an  excessive amount of rich nectar which may attract a larger variety of monster girls affected by the strong aphrodisiacal effect. Honeybee girls in particular are often drawn to Alraune and may immediately proceed to reach deep into their nectar pots in order to coat both themselves and the Alraune in thick, sticky nectar before taking some home. Severely overweight Alraune are far less capable of defending themselves from such attacks and may simply submit to the sexualization which they do draw pleasure from. Some entrepreneurial Alarune have since formed symbiotic relations with honeybee girls to establish candy stores where they produce the sweet nectar used as the basis for all their treats that are distributed by the honeybees. Please see the honey bee advisory for more information regarding the effects of candy overconsumption by honeybees.

The most concerning effect of Alraune hyper obesity is that many have grown to such a state that they are no longer able to close their petals around themselves during the winter time. Normally a period of hibernation until the spring, often spent entirely locked in with their chosen mate, exposed Alraune are at risk of freezing to death during harsh winters. The organization have therefore been looking towards the establishment of local green houses capable of sustaining frost sensitive subspecies of Alraune who have grown far too large as well as looked into the distribution of heat lamps  on a mass scale.  

There is also a subspecies of Alraune known as a Liliraune in which two female bulbs emerge from the center of a very large flower. These one rare mutations are becoming more and more common amongst the offspring of severely overweight Alraune, likely as a coping mechanism for the abundance of nectar they are constantly steeped in. Both bulbs are often observed to be almost as fat as their progenitor Alraune and often possess a similar appetite and interest in further growth. Due to them being a mutant subtype, they are often unstable beings and may occasionally produce a scent often described as their target’s favourite sweet or fast food, possibly as a means of enticing an appropriate partner. The two bulbs will often feed themselves their own nectar in a variety of sexually stimulating ways which they will then incorporate their new partner into if they stray to close. Once charmed and covered in nectar, the petals will then close around them all for an undisclosed period of time as all three or more bodies within grow ever larger by the day. 



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