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The next few weeks flew by as Sayoko put her plan into action. Belldandy clung to her every word and did every task she was instructed to without fail. At first it was just being her personal secretary, but once the former university queen was assured of the goddess’ loyalty, she wanted to see her do more and more menial tasks.

A fairly middle range corporate position was far too good for Belldandy as far as she was concerned. At first, Sayoko had her ‘willingly’ demoted to a cubical dweller, surrounded at all times with an extra large chair and an endless supply of treats. Belldandy willingly took part in what she perceived to be kindness and gladly ate all that was supplied to her while she continued to accept her steady pay. Her large belly grew even larger as her flabby thighs pushed together in even the tightest of skirts. She was well over 300 pounds by this point and beyond mere fat girl territory.

Working a desk job was far more exhausting than it appeared. Sayoko was constantly having her snap to attention for even the most trivial of matters, all of which she completed with a smile as she huffed and puffed her way around the office space. Guys and girls alike were making fast friends with the ever friendly Belldandy much to Sayoko’s annoyance as she bulged out of her ill fitting uniform that hugged all her new curves in just the right places. Wherever the two of them went together, Sayoko could not help but feel that all eyes were still on Belldandy and that just would not do.

Watching her former rival expand however, delighted Sayoko in more ways than one as she decided on inflicting another demotion upon her. She had to make her more plain and more unattractive, so much so that the next time they were seen in public together, the difference would be night and day. Without adjusting her pay, Belldandy was shuffled to a new kind of managerial role, this time as a part of the Mishima line of convenience stores which had just happened to open up right near their old college campus.

Belldandy’s reaction to the news was never once met with disdain or disappointment however as she saw the good in all things that came her way. It was close to the school where she had fond memories of her first years on earth. She knew the route and was very unlikely to get lost. The effect of gaining so much weight so quickly however did mean she could no longer ride her bicycle over as she worried about its ‘feelings’ but the walk was something she relished whether it was rain or shine.

The best part of the position was that she could actually take food home with her at the end of the night which was a great boon to the Morisato household budget. Most of it was the fried and fatty foods beneath the hot lamps which she seemed to sympathize with and was often seen conversing with during the late hours as she negotiated offering them a ‘home’. For her continued kindness, the spirits within recognized the enlarging goddess to such a degree that they offered to nourish her as best they could. Big bags were filled up each and every night for her to carry home, a difficult task at such a size which she managed by consuming part of the meal during her evening strolls. Those strolls soon became energizing waddles as the pounds continued to pile on.

This became a regular pattern for Belldandy. In spite of all the fattening food she was consuming, she never once lost the bounce in her step or the smile on her face. Her smile only seemed to grow more radiant in fact as her cheeks rounded out even more by the day.

Another month went by and by this point Sayoko was sure she had broken Belldandy’s spirit. She entered the brightly lit convenience store, expecting to see her reduced to a mindless counter drone overflowing an unflattering stripped uniform only to find something else entirely.

A line right curling from the front desk all the way through each aisle of goods slowly marched their way forward. It was the kind of lines you’d expect to see at an idol meet and greet or some other celebrity event. People were purchasing items one at a time only to pay for them and return to the end. Sayoko’s ears burned as she overheard so many people ‘forget’ something crucial like dental floss or a car air freshener, all the while appearing to be in some dream like state. Many of them were staring at their hands with distant longing, barely taking any notice as a rude woman in a business suit pushed her way to the front.

“Just what the hell is going on here!?”

“Oh, Miss Sayoko, good evening! Please allow me to serve this good gentleman and I’ll be right with you.”

“He can wait,” Sayoko growled as she slammed her fist on the countertop and gestured behind her. “I want to know what you’ve done! Are you holding up the line talking about birds and fish and however many puppies you patted today? We are a business and this kind of line is clearly unacceptable!”

“Um, actually, I’ve just been following store protocol like you asked me to.” Belldandy smiled politely. “It turns out that a lot of people really would like to purchase a smile after such a long and tiring day and I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

It was hard to stay mad or even manifest anger towards a girl who never found anything unfair or upsetting. What she could feel however, was the angry stares of the people she had cut in front of burning into the back of her neck.

“A-as your manager,” Sayoko stammered, attempting to think of a reason to placate the masses, “I shall observe you in your first performance evaluation so go right ahead and serve all these people right away!”

“With pleasure! Next, please.”

Sayoko turned to the crowd behind them and watched their heads bob in unison as though controlled by invisible puppet strings. Belldandy was nearly double the size when they had first run into each other and was straining even the largest uniform they had available but could still command the attention of everyone in a room. That giant jello belly of hers hung out in front of her and breached the side of the countertop yet appeared so soft and inviting. Sayoko could swear she heard the next customer gulp with suppressed excitement as Belldandy gladly took the small packet of noodles he brought with him as she balanced it atop her ample softness in search of its elusive barcode.

His hand brushed against the side of her gut as she handed him his change. Its softness was beyond all compare as he savored the experience spanning seconds like it covered a lifetime.

“Would you like this heated, dear sir?” Belldandy spoke cheerily as she carefully cradled the dish like it was a delicate flower.

The man nodded vigorously.

She had grown so big so quickly that she barely fit behind the counter at this point as she laboriously turned to the array of microwaves behind her all silently humming away.

“All of our microwaves are currently in use, but I hope this will be okay.”

Lifting up her doughy gut, Sayoko’s jaw hung open as Belldandy gently lowered the packaged meal underneath her obese belly. A gentle heat, like a fine spring day radiated off of her form and towards the front row of patrons.

“ Please move over to one side and I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.”

Several men and women passing by the frozen food section reaching for their own meals in hopes of warming them in a similar way. Several more broke free from the queue only to line up at the end once more. This was a detail which Sayoko had failed to even attempt to ignore.

Here she was, a thin, hot young business woman tryign to dress down her enormous whale of an employee. By comparison it should have been clear to all which one of them was the preferable choice and yet all eyes were on Belldandy. It was like college all over again and it rubbed her the wrong way.

Sayoko could not stand it any longer. She turned sharply on her heels and began to stride back out into the cool evening air.

“Oh! Miss Sayoko!” Belldandy called out as she watched her boss leave in a huff. “Please wait a moment!”

“What is it?!” Sayoko snapped in annoyance.

The enormous woman squeeze her way past the counter and bounded towards the entrance. The sea of people waiting to line up parted like a reverent procession as the incredibly overweight register girl they had all come to see jiggled and jostled her way past. Belldandy took a small balloon from one of the stands and neatly tied it to Sayoko’s wrist before beaming her at point blank range with her best customer serviced smile.

“Please, have a pleasant evening and thank you for dropping by! I look forward to serving you again real soon.”



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