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"It seems as though no one was hiring again today either..."

Belldandy Morisato sighed to herself as she flipped through the many job hunting magazines she had sprawled out across the table. This was her fifth consecutive year living life amongst humans as a part of her mortal husband's wish for her to stay by his side. That wasn't to say that she had any regrets as she had learned to love everything about the world she now resided in, but continued to find managing amongst regular human girls to still be an ongoing challenge.

This was a self imposed quest. A goddess first class was armed with the skills to manipulate time and space to her liking and bend luck to her side as she needed it, but it was her honest desire to abide by  her husband's wishes for them to live side by side as a regular couple. This meant of course that it was only under the most dire situations she could call upon her magic with the intention of acquiring their much needed funding through the same work which she had seen her beloved Keiichi do day in and day out. 

The cloudy moment of disappointment faded as she cleared her mind for brilliant blue skies. She began to hum gently to herself as she picked up another book and tried again in search of more opportunity.

Skill was hardly something which Belldandy was lacking in. She answered honestly and precisely with the patience and virtue befitting a deity. When they asked her to introduce herself in one minute, she chanted a high speed spell to flood the interviewer's minds with every aspect of her being. From what she ate for dinner to how many ducks she saw at the pond the other day, no small detail was skipped. When she smiled as Keiichi had suggested she do, many an interviewer seemed to develop an urge to get down on their knees and weep loudly while confessing all their wrongdoings. Touching them only seemed to make them cry more as they babbled about their impurities being washed away.

Humans were indeed quite strange at times. 

"Perhaps it is because of my appearance," Belldandy thought to herself. It was rather uncanny just how many companies had seemingly closed down due to a 'sudden change of heart in company policy' after she had submitted her application.

"I promised I would not use magic to solve all our problems, but a little should help me find a job at least!"

The goddess clasped her hands in silent prayer as a sparkling aura emanated from her being. A song welled up from within her chest as she let her troubles fade away, compiling a high level spell only understandable to the ears of humans as an angelic song. The glow soon filled the room as large pure white wings emerged to gently flap towards her intended target.

"Oh merciful spirits, please hear my prayer! I the goddess first class, Belldandy do beseech thee! Show me what I must do to help my husband in this moment of grace!"

The wings of light flapped gently a few times, pushing the books she had off the table with a forceful gust of divine power. A bluster of such strength oddly enough did not touch the tea or meatbuns which she had laid out for herself as a snack amongst her work. the visible wisps of smoke rising off her still hot tea barely moved an inch until she had reached out to receive it.

"Thank you, my dears," Belldandy beamed serenely as the light of the room faded. "Your council is most graciously accepted."

Like the table, her mind was now decluttered. Her thoughts were as pure and serene as an endless lake which spanned from one horizon to the next. Her stomach growled as the goddess allowed herself to feel hunger and moved to act upon the spirits' counsel.

Although goddesses didn't need to necessarily eat, little snack always helped her feel calmer. She set her worries aside out of praise for herself as she focused upon the simple flavours that passed her lips and emerged out from them once more in song.

"What will these buns taste like today, I'll have to wait and see~"

Her thoughts drifted to her beloved and could hardly wait to tell him the good news. 

"These will help me land a job so sweet, the way you are to me~"

Everything was going to be alright. She had a gut feeling about it. 
