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War was changing.

The Galian forces were small but tightly knit with firm lines of communication and a belief in their cause. That was their strategy and the lynchpin which Maxamillian’s new strategy hinged upon weakening.

It was working.

What was initially dismissed by the Federation as a strategy they called ‘The Big Lie’ was quickly gaining traction as the Empire increased its propaganda machine with Selvaria at the forefront. Pages comparing her thighs to the widest caliber barrels were surprisingly effective. The rallying cry summoning troops to establish dominance were even more so.

By the third month of the campaign, the battle was quickly shifting off the more traditional theatre of war and into the hearts and minds of the people. The Empire had far more citizens and their voices and opinions rang out far across the nation as support for the legendary Valkyria swelled along with her size.

Maxamillian’s new diet had worked wonders for her as she had already doubled her original weight. This was in part due to her shifting her focus from daily combat drills to regular photo shoots with meals prepared for her around the clock. Maintaining her barracks was already getting to be too much for her as her once normally sparse and simple quarters was now coated in an array of empty food containers and outgrown uniforms.

Privileged new recruits were often inducted into service by proving themselves as her maids and servants rather than being thrown out onto the front lines which had proved to be a far more appealing task than getting shot. Other duties which they had taken to included waking her up every morning for a very large breakfast.

Such meals went on for well over half the morning and started to encroach upon her midday meal. Jaeger had already taken steps to ensure that she could persist with her round the clock snacking as she stepped in for her next photo shoot with a proud and stately jiggle.

“Make this photoshoot a quick one,” Selvaria declared sharply. “His majesty has requested my presence this afternoon to assess our progress.”

While remaining loyal to a fault and more than capable in combat at any size, so much food and pampering had softened Selvaria’s hard gaze while sharpening her presence in other ways. Rather than the lean combat machine she had been sold as at the start, the added weight had given her a more regal and refined presence on the battlefield. She looked far more as a living embodiment of victory and justice, swatting away even the hardiest battalion with so little effort that she could devote more time to plumpening and preening for the camera.

With her increase in size, many men had reported witnessing her great feats of strength as she was better able to draw upon her divine gifts. Why should she have to charge into the front lines and risk tearing her ever tightening uniform when simply blasting away with her lance from a seated position would also do?

Similar stories had spread through the Galian forces as the rumors spread of a silver haired angel of death whose many exploits varied in different accounts but summarily came down to how much her fleshy body overflowed her outfit. As rumors tended to do, they too started to blow out of proportion with hints of a ‘weaponized blimp’ began to take root.

That would be the angle which Jeagre decided upon for this next set as he directed Selvaria into her new pose.

His dream of halting the bloodshed of the nation he loved would ride upon those swelling hips with every pound she gained



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