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The water was ice cold and smelt just as salty as the real thing.

I struggled to roll my pant legs up as we waded out to meet her friends who thankfully took note of my situation and also walked forward to meet us.

“This is Lilly and Abby!” Whimsy declared triumphantly. “I named them myself!”

”Our former owners never really bothered too much us,” the liligant said politely. “So we decided to name each other.”

“I actually HAVE a name...but I like Whimsy’s choice better so I let her call me what she likes...” the absol huffed firmly as she crossed her arms across her expansive chest.

While not as big as Whimsy, both of them had incredibly plush figures and were plumping up quite well in their own right. My thoughts ran wild as I envisioned what they would be like with a few hundred extra pounds on them.

Lilly looked like she would be a thigh gainer. While her chest and belly were plush in their own right, her legs were where all the action was going to be. Even at half of Whimsy’s weight they were already touching almost down to her knees. The waves lapping at the width of her calves only appeared to magnify them further and her gossamer skirt left nothing to the imagination. 

Abby on the other hand was clearly burgeoning into a top heavy beauty. Her bust rivaled Whimsy’s own voluptuous chest and looked to overflow the confines of her folded arms as they poured out and over her pale flesh. Droplets of water from their day at th makeshift beach trickled into the depths of her cleavage as I hungrily drank in the sights of the pair of them.

All three girls had potential in their own right and I was someone who very much appreciated that.

”I brought snacks! Do you want to feed us?”

Another unexpectedly open question and another dumbfounded nod I gave as Whimsy waddled towards a cooler that was half submerged beneath the shallow waves. I was watching her some closely that I didn’t notice Lilly close the distance between us as she tapped me on the shoulder.

”She’s always been eater, but she doesn’t just eat for anyone. I think she really likes you and you must really like her.”

I spun around so quickly that I fell over backwards out of shock. The splash soaked me from head to toe. Lilly laughed in amusement as she lent me a pudgy hand to pull me back to my feet.

”We like to be direct here and  there’s just no point in hiding it. We’re all here to get fat and meeting up with people who want to feed us is the best way to do it. I’ve done it myself so I know how enjoyable it can be.”

”Y-you have?” I stuttered, again surprised by this revelation.

“We were all about the same size until I started giving Whimsy my extra portions. Us grass types love to nurture and help others grow but I never imagined she would get so big in such a short amount of time. Food and getting fatter are alls he thinks about now and you’ve got me to thank for that.”

Lilly smirked knowingly as Abby rolled her eyes.

”Oh no, she’s going to tell the story again...”

”Indeed,” Lilly continued. “I remember the first time I heard that little belly of hers growl. She had eaten everything in her room and breakfast was still a few hours away. She begged me to give her something to tidy her over, anything at all. A block of chocolate was all that I had on me and she gobbled it down all in one bite. She was such a little glutton.”

I was fascinated to think that anyone would refer to  Whimsy as ’little’ in any respect.

“But that left me without my own meal,” Lilly sighed as she cupped her hand to her cheek. “It was quite the predicament.”

I noticed Abby turn away as she instead tried to focus on retrieving the beachball they had been playing with only moments before. Her face appeared to be a little flushed.

”So I made a deal with her. Since I fed her, she would feed me.”

”But I thought you said you didn’t have any other food?” I uttered back, my mind racing to see if this story was going where I thought it was about to.

Lilly only laughed as she slid one of her chunky arms across my shoulder and allowed me to feel the weight of her body lean against mine. She pressed my hand against her pudgy belly and down her quivering thighs 

”Oh but we grass types don’t always need traditional nourishment. I spread those enormous thighs apart, each almost as wide as my stomach is now. Even when I had them as far as they could go they were still touching to some capacity. I wanted to sample that sweet nectar directly from her honey pot.“

I gulped hard as she leaned in close to whisper something into my ear.

”And I drank until my belly bulged. I suckled like a newborn until I had drained her down to the last drop. I got so fat as I lapped up that-”


Whimsy‘s voice broke the erotic illusion in an instant as she came bounding over with both her new found foodstuffs in hand. Her entire body shook as a wave surged out before her path, splashing both Lilly and I in a cold shower.

Whimsy only smiled.

”Today is the best day! They packed my favorites!”

”But everything is your favorite, Whimsy,” Lilly sighed as she wrung the water out of her flower petal hat. 

“Thats why I enjoy every day!”

I could only sigh deeply as I watched how happy she was to scarf down her food with both speed and pleasure unlike any other. 

“You should try it some time,“ Lilly winked at me as she punctured her own carton of fruit juice. I watched it crumple in an instant as she drank it all down in a single gulp. “It might be a bit fattening, but It’s a taste you’ll never forget.”



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