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“Thank you for registering! We will be with you shortly.”

A very fat, chansey girl smiled cheerily from behind the front counter. She looked to be in her early twenties and probably weighed close to three hundred pounds.

Much like the illustrations I had seen of their pre-humanized state, she had a friendly round face which showed dimples in her pudgy cheeks. After filing the necessary paperwork, she got up out of her chair and waddled towards me. Her tight, pink sleeveless blouse with a white ruffled collar accentuated the fullness of her arms to compliment the very tight, short skirt she wore underneath. I had to make a conscious effort to peel my eyes away from her heaving bosom and onto her name tag revealing it to be Nikki.

“Pardon my ignorance, but I had once been told that Chanseys worked exclusively in poke-centers?”

She paused for a moment and gave me a look of deep contemplation. I had meant no offense and she had acknowledged that as she formulated her response.

“That was once our pedigree which has evolved with the times. We work across a wide variety of sectors now but tend to have an affinity towards helping others. My great grandmother was once a Nurse Joy Chansey which is something I am very proud of.”

I smiled back, relieved that my comment had not been taken the wrong way. Like humans, poke-girls had developed their own personalities and could respond in a much wider variety of ways other than just speaking their names.

“Now then, I do not mean to rush you, but we do have several more appointments booked after you which I must also keep. Did you have any particular preferences in mind when choosing your starter girl to help smooth out the selection process?”

She steepled her pudgy fingers together in giddy excitement, apparently taking some degree of interest in my response. It was plain to see that this was a young lady who clearly enjoyed her job.

“Oh, well, as a matter of fact, I did have thoughts in mind…”

I fumbled for a photo which I had clipped out of the latest poke-girl magazine and handed it to her. I could see her eyes widen and her mouth form into a kindly ‘Ohhhh” shape as she drank in the form of the girl in the picture.

“Ah, she’s a beautiful one isnt she?” Nikki smiled. “Mostly belly and thighs and very large indeed. I wish I could get as fat as her.”

She handed the photo back to me as she grasped and shook her own belly for emphasis.

“I know you’re probably not too interested to hear about it, but I really am trying you know! I’ve gained ten pounds this week but it never feels like it’s fast enough…”

“Why not put yourself up for adoption?” I asked her before I even realized the words had left my mouth. “Uh, that is to say, having someone to look after you might help speed up the process…Especially if you want to get as fat as that, or maybe even fatter!”

She smiled again, this time in a more diplomatic way rather than her previous, genuine beam. I guess she had been asked that before and probably had her reasons not to have already done so.

“Um, actually, I was wondering if you had girls even fatter than the one I showed you? I had heard that you guys had rescued a lot of girls from PCs over the years and I was hoping that you could show me some of your biggest girls.”

The words spilled from my mouth faster than I could catch them as I sought to fill that awkward moment. Nikki was quick on the uptake as a true professional would be.

“Oh yes! We have lots of girls that are fatter than that. If size is your key criteria, might I ask how big of a girl are you looking for?”

“Um...how big is your fattest girl? D-do you have any…um...snorlax sized girls?”

“Oh you just missed out on our largest one, Saeko,”Nikki sighed as she pressed her chubby palm into her cheek. “She was well over six hundred and fifty pounds and I’ll bet you’d never guess that she was from a pikachu family. Everyone always thinks our biggest girls are snorlaxes or wailords but any girl can grow huge no matter the size.”

This was news to me. The thought of that potential suddenly lifted my prospects.

“Currently we have three girls available today if you’d like to meet them. If not, I can arrange an appointment for you to come meet the other girls at another time.”

“Oh no, that’s entirely alright. Please, I’d love to meet them.”

“Then please, step right this way.”

Nikki bowed low, causing her clothing to tighten over her rolls. She then turned and retrieved a key from behind her desk as she led us down a long hallway. Both sides of the walls were entirely transparent with a clear view into a series of rooms either side. Within each room was a girl, starting from very plump but gradually growing fatter as we continued to walk on.

“These are our initiation rooms. Many of the  girls we have rescued have been in stasis for such a long time that they must first be caught up on modern events and allowed to adjust to their new bodies. It can be a very disorienting experience at first as some of them retain their more…feral nature so I would not advise you to get too close.”

She continued to explain how the floors were sorted based on human age equivalent, species, temperament and were arranged from smallest to fattest as we had just seen.

Occasionally I would stop to watch an especially cute girl going about her day. I watched in amazement as particularly elegant ninetails woman gorged herself on a mountain of fried tofu, completely oblivious to my hungry gaze. Nikki explained that they were encouraged to spend most of their time eating and after their initial debriefing, most of them did just that. Some would only stop eating when they noticed me approach and made it a point to shed some of their clothing to put their bodies on display for me. Others were already naked and engaged in more...basic instincts.

“Alright, we’re here!”

We approached a large, open area which appeared to be a makeshift beach, complete with wave pool where three girls sat out in the open. The walls and ceiling were painted sky blue and artificial sand coated the floor beneath our feet. Within it three women counted a brightly colored beach ball among themselves. My eyes were immediately drawn to the biggest one sitting in the center.

“This is Whimsy. Her previous owner never named her so she came up with the name herself.”

The enormous Whimscott girl waved at us as she clutched the beach ball under her arms and immediately took enormous, waddling steps to get closer. The other two, one of which appeared to be a Liligant and an Absol merely stood back as though expecting that I would have no interest in them while in the presence of their enormous companion.

“She’s very playful and loves affection if that’s important to you. She enjoys dressing in very tight clothes, being force fed and binging on whatever she can get her hands on. Be sure to give her belly a feel when she comes closer to see if she suits your preferences.”

It wasn’t a very far trek, but we could see Whimsy’s enormous body struggle against the waves that lapped against her chocolate skin. She was so much shorter than her friends but appeared so packed with tight, jiggling fat that oozed out of her skimpy bikini. With some effort that made her quite red in the face, she eventually reached us.

“Whimsy, this person is our guest,” Nikki explained. “Say hello to them.”

“Hello,” Whimsy said shyly. Her enormously chubby thighs rolled over one another as she bashfully tried to bury one of her feet in the sand. “Would you like to feel my big belly?”

I was floored by such a direct request. I looked towards Nikki for guidance as she merely nodded her approval. I took a few steps forward over to this almost naked, enormous woman and pressed my fingers into her stomach. Her fat was so soft and much heavier than I had anticipated.

“It’s alright! You can go ahead and squeeze it.”

I did just that, allowing my fingers to sink into her enormous love handles. It was the sensation I had always dreamed of.

“Unfortunately, I must leave you to attend to my other appointments. I’ll allow you two to stay here to get acquainted. Feel free to talk to the other girls too if you like and come back to the front desk when you’ve made your selection.”

Nikki bowed low once again, her body bulging out of her outfit as she left through the door we had just come in.

I turned back towards Whimsy.

“You’ve been a good girl, haven’t you Whimsy? I hear you’re now the fattest girl here.”

“Eheheh...what can I say? I love eating and I just can’t help myself.”

I allowed my hands to travel across her enormous body, feeling the heaviness of her belly as I allowed it to plop loudly against her thighs.

“Eheheh, I’m really ticklish there! You must be a really fun person, huh?”

“I-I guess I am”

“You should come play with us! You can feed us lots and lots too and see how big our tummies can get!”

Before I could even say anything, she grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the water where her friends were still standing. She was surprisingly strong for her size and weight. I half walked and half hopped as I struggled to get my shoes and socks off before approaching the water’s edge.



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