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Looking back on things, the people of Kanto originally saw the plague as a tragedy. But that was not the case for everyone. For those of you who have not played since Adamantine edition, please allow me a moment to bring you up to speed.

I was merely a child at the time it started so I did not quite realize what was going on. People referred to it as an epidemic, a plague which was changing Pokémon and the way we interact with them as we know it. Everywhere, the female species of almost every known Pokémon were changing, evolving even if they had no such pathway know to them. They began developing more human like characteristics, growing longer limbs, breasts and even facial structures more akin to the masters that wielded them.

Left untreated, high fevers a great thirst and sudden hunger often ensued resulting in the need for an intensive replenishment of nutrients burned up by their new forms.

Many did not survive this sudden, unexpected transformation.

Later, someone discovered that it was only Pokémon who had been left locked away in PCs for decades upon decades that somehow managed to overcome and even thrive in their new bodies without even aging a day. Scientists ascertained that somehow all those years of inactivity and the general laziness of their lifestyle had somehow defended them from adverse effects, allowing fatness to become a natural defense for whatever had befallen them.

A mean weight of being under 150 pounds did not see the new pokegirl last for more than a year unfortunately. Girls 50 pounds heavier added an extra 10 years to their survival and another 50 added 10 more. In less than a year, the world and the way we interacted with Pokémon had changed quite drastically and society had new rules to make.

With their far more human physiology came an averaging of their intellect to a more human standard. Certain species were more inclined to lesser or greater intelligence as their precursor forms dictated but many pokegirls were inducted into human schools in order to learn more traditional skills and contribute back to pay for the vast amounts of food they required.

For those lucky enough to have wealthy owners, a new breed of pokegirl ‘fat camp’ was established in order to help prolong their lives in comfort. With the the sharp decline in females across the region, they became quite the commodity for conservation efforts. Pokegirl ‘feeders’ became a third wheel to the full time profession of trainers and breeders as many set about making it their life’s goal to save their favorite species. Many girls abandoned in PCs country wide were distributed into new homes as anyone who could prove they could provide was called into action for the good of all pokekind.

This was not a decision to be made lightly as your girl of choice was an enormous investment. No longer could she just live within a little ball attached to your hip, but had to be treated as an equal who needed her own room and care just like any other human being. She needed to be talked to, played with, given regular meals and some light exercise just to make sure she stayed fit enough to get about even at the most immense of sizes.

And what if you didn’t like fat women, let alone fat pokegirls? This caused a great divide. Those who wanted lean and mean fighting machines purely for combat circuits were doomed to very short careers while those who loved and cherished their enormous girls saw their lifespans reaching entire lifetimes of potential companionship. If you were purely into the breeding aspect, you would have to learn to adapt quickly however as you would be raising a fat girl of your very own so long as you wished her to live beyond her first decade.

So, while a tragedy, the world of pokegirls has indeed changed and why it was so important for you have come to the lab today in order to pick your starter girl.

I hope we can find you one that you’d like to take home to love and care for always.

But first, remind this old professor, what’s your name again?



Rhys Lawson

My name is here... And I'd like to adopt an Eevee girl, please.