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“I still have one more surprise for you.”

Iku’s belly rested on her thighs and her double chin moved seductively as she ate. She loved teasing her admiral as she watched the submarine girl fill out her swimsuit. It felt so damn good to have the material stretch over her new curves.

“Now, close your eyes…”

It was hard to take her eyes off of all that cascading blubber, but she did so. It came as quite a shock to the admiral to have her favourite fleet member decide to bring out her fantasy in full but that didn’t stop her feeding Iku everything she asked for and more. That was all that she needed to know as she caressed every roll of fat at her sides, continuing down the rolls at her legs and hips. The once slender sub had blossomed into a soft, thick pillow of pleasure just for her and as seductive as she appeared now, her admiral could not wait until she was at least twice her current size.

“Okay, now. You can open them.”

When the admiral opened her eyes she was indeed in for quite a shock. Standing at the doorway to their office, their shared den of feeding pleasure was a hugely fat and naked abyssal. An airfield princess whose enormous, pale body glistened with lovely mounds and rolls of fat of her own. Her huge belly swung down almost to her knees in an orb of dimpled cellulite. Thighs as thick as Iku’s own hung down to her calves and swayed with the effort to keep her enormous body upright.

Her long white hair ended in what appeared to be runway strips, complete with crimson guide beacons that twinkled like her eyes. Having caught the admiral’s eye for just a moment, she shyly cast them down which caused an extra chin to emerge beneath her round, moon face.

Iku waddled her way over to stand beside this enormous woman, demonstrating just how much they were alike. The abyssal had been stripped of her weapons and although she was taller, appeared a bit younger than the sub. The only major difference came Iku’s gargantuan bust which still dwarfed the smaller abyssal who appeared to have gained almost completely at her gigantic belly.

“This is Airfield Pincess! But you can call her Kuubo!”

Iku seized the taller girl’s hand and interlaced their fingers. They embraced and kissed quite passionately, allowing their fat to roll atop each other. The sight of their bellies rubbing and breasts mashing together sent the admiral’s imagination ablaze with passion.

“I met her while out on a mission one day and well, I have got to say we get along quite well. I finally understood what you meant about wanting me to be bigger and I want her to get bigger too.”

Thoughts of being amidst all that blubber were dashed as a darker realization set in.

“Wait...are you….leaving me?” The admiral stammered, appearing hurt and confused for just a moment.

“No, my love,” Iku reassured. “But I would like it very much if I could share you with Kuubo.”

“Fraternizing with the enemy is against the rules…” Kuubo said in a low voice. “Which is why...I don’t want to be an abyssal anymore. I want to stay with Iku....if you’ll have me…”

The admiral coughed once and straightened her hat. Stepping out from behind her desk, past all the treats which she had brought out for Iku, she approached the two giant girls. In a swift and singular motion, she pulled back the strap of Iku’s swimsuit and allowed one of her enormous breasts to flop free. The ship girl gave a wry smile as the admiral put one plump nipple in her mouth and began to suckle, much to the shock of their new guest. Rivulets of milk trickled down the side of her mouth as Iku sighed in pleasure.

Before she could even speak another word, the admiral had turned to face the abyssal and pulled her into a forceful kiss. Milk trickled past the abyssal’s mouth and into her waiting belly as the admiral’s tongue finally left her mouth for what seemed like an eternity.

“Now you are one of us,” The admiral smiled. “Welcome to the fleet.”



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