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“Goldfish grow as large as their environment and food supply will permit.”

The kappa’s lecture was boring but since she had promised to take Sanae out for the day, it was a parental sense of duty which drove her to stay.

The shrine maiden wasn’t her biological daughter, but both Suwako and Kanako, the respective goddesses of the shrine she had been abandoned at, thought of her as such. They raised and cared for the little child who had always been able to see them until she had grown up to be their representative amongst human kind. However, where Kanako had the foresight to see how terribly dull Sanae’s intentions for higher learning had been, the task now fell to Suwako to pitch into that supportive role.

“The same can be said for frogs and snakes.”

The Goddess of Frogs perked up at this little tidbit of information.

Though she was much older than her fellow goddess, she still had the body far less developed. The Goddess of Snakes was large and well rounded in all the right places, giving her a more mature and motherly glow. Suwako had never really given her small chest and proportions much of a thought until the concept of being a ‘mother’ had really been cemented into her mind, even if her position was as an adoptive one.

Meager offerings to the shrine before Sanae had come along were barely enough to sustain her over the many years and their quarters had become cramped and dusty as their monuments fell to the dilapidation of the ages. Faith was the food of spiritual beings and as the older, more responsible one, she felt it her duty to ensure her junior received the lion share during their meals.

“Yes, it all makes sense now...”

That evening, Suwako laid out her plans to the Moriya shrine household. Although Kanako had been made the ‘official’ goddess for some time, she insisted that there would be changes.

Firstly, her old statues would be brought the the fore and worshiping opportunities were to be equally shared between them. Secondly, tithes would be shared directly down the middle with the intention to construct new worshiping platforms for her directly. Lastly, and most importantly, Sanae would be instructed to hold specific ceremonies specifically for her and her alone in order to reassert that this was in fact a dual goddess shrine and catered to double the faith.

Though initially stunned at her sudden decision to emphasize her existence to the faithful, Kanako and Sanae eventually concluded that Suwako was probably experiencing something of a mid-millennia crisis and decided to indulge her whims.

Within the first month, their efforts yielded great results. Offerings had indeed doubled as the current generation of humans suddenly became aware of the long dormant goddess. Conclusions were quickly drawn from any unexplained misfortunes being the result of not paying attention to her which eventually had the temple inundated with extra food.

Suwako had wasted no time with her constant snacking either, allowing herself to be filled with new belief. The flood of power surged through her figure which had formerly been so used to meager remembrances which soon found it difficult to place itself upon her form. The goddess knew where she wanted it to go and so gave herself a little ‘divine guidance’.


Both Kanako and Sanae could barely believe their eyes when they saw her the next day. Seated out the front of the shrine, she cupped her new assets as she sat in he space where offering box once stood.

“The humans come and put the money in the slot. It’s as simple as that really.”

Belief flowed to where it was most needed and Suwako had not felt this needed in quite a long time. Her chest bulged with power which ebbed and flowed between her eager palms. This was only from today’s offerings and there was still the afternoon service to continue for the rest of the day.

“A religious revolution is on the rise, and this is only the beginning.”




Man I thought Mihai had vanished and only appeared once in a blue moon for Touhou holiday collabs. Really liking these shorts and the pictures that accompany them.