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"Ah, if it isn't the little devil of the scarlet mansion, do let yourself in would you?"

Reimu had heard the rumors but was not convinced. Remilia's tastes in the excess were certainly fact but she had not seen the little vampiress in recent months to validate them all.

Standing at the end of the hallway, the shrinemaiden nearly fainted at the sight of her silhouette as it cast its shadows through the screen door. 

The vampiress had become immense! Her hips and thighs looked to grace the width of the entryway to the Hakurai shrine. Granted, her shrine was a hovel not fit for any actual humans  by comparison to the luxury and grace of the mansion which Remilia lived in but to have grown that large was far beyond her expectations.

"Oh my god..."

Reimu could not help but swear as she heard the ruffles of Remila's skirt swish around the volume of her thighs, wondering if she still had any semblance of knees beneath all that fine silk. Her entire outfit looked to have been heavily modified by some kind of stretch material, sending a jiggle of motion through her calves and hips as she nearly collapsed into the room.

"There...I walked...the entire way...Just...like...you...asked..."

It was the condition that Reimu had set upon her for asking for her help with her size. The shrine maiden's lithe figure was the stuff of legend as was her almost minimal intake. While this was largely due to the almost nonexistant donations to the shrine which Reimu subsisted on, she had attempted to leverage this loss into her gain.

But Remilia's gain was far more than she was expecting.

The vampiress gulped down air like she did food as she almost collapsed from the effort of lugging her enormity with her. No magic and no flight were sure fire ways to shed those pounds but even if she had managed to lose a few on the way over, Reimu's mind boggled at how much larger she possibly could have been at the start of the trip. She was counting on the vampriess' unyielding pride to spur her onwards and she was lucky for it to have held out rather collapse in a forest somewhere along the way.

"Um, yes, yes you did. Come in, take a seat."

Reimu began to clear away what few belongings she did possess and after evaluating Remila's size once again, decided to put out her futon as there were no pillows large enough to accommodate her size.

"About time!"

Pride fueled the embers of her haughtiness as she sought to salvage her position as the 'top girl' as the vampiress flopped down next to Reimu and immediately made herself at home. She fanned herself with the flabby sausages she called fingers and presented her back to Reimu with a knowing grunt.

"Now, as we agreed, you are going to teach me the secrets of becoming thin again. While I do not revile this form, it is tiresome to have to lug around these enormous grainsacks which my breasts have become and I no longer wish to get stuck in every doorway made for peasants. Feel honored that I should allow you to touch me."

The deal was that if she could make it to the shrine unaided and on foot, Reimu would lay hands on her in such a way to burn away all those excess calories without the need for silly diets or restrictions. Remilia would most likely use that opportunity to plump back up again, but that was a concern for her future self who had long forgotten the pain of chafed thighs. 

"Right...." Reimu mused to herself. "To be honest, I did say that because I never thought she'd actually make it here, but a deal is a deal I suppose."

Oh she was going to have fun with this. 

Watching the vampiress struggle to unbutton her dress from the back amused the shrine maiden who watched the flabby folds of her back, wings and the arch of her shoulders congeal into a single mass that bulged out like some kind of obese butterfly. She could not help but take notice of just how fat she looked at that moment and it fascinated her.

When the dress was completely off, laying in a pile at the corner like a discarded pink and white tent, the vampiress blushed as much as her pale cheeks would allow as she cupped her breasts in the crux of her flabby arms for support.

She was stunning. 

Reimu allowed her hands to trace over the valleys of rolls and folds, exploring her shape as she pulled the little ball of a vampiress on top of her.  Pinned beneath all that fat was a new sensation as their bellies touched. 

"So what now?" Remilia asked, her pallid breasts jiggling atop of Reimu's more sensible cups.

She gasped as she watched Reimu struggle to slip off her own clothing from undereneath her. She felt the shrine maiden's knees slide against her crotch and panties, as she kicked off her skirt, leaving her in only her panties and socks. A wry smile formed on Reimu's face. 

"Now, the weight loss exercise truly begins."



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