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The vending machine had appeared out of nowhere. 

In all her time cleaning the infinite corridors of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Sakuya had never noticed it before on her journey through the repeating section of hallway which stretched on for as long as she sought fit. She ignored it at first but was hardly surprised when after a few minutes of walking down the hall she came across it again.

It was inviting her somehow, remind her that cleaning the mansions as thirsty work and that she deserved a little break every now and then.

Looking left and right to make sure she was not being watched, the ever dedicated maid would allow herself to shrink her duties for but a moment in order to indulge the dryness which had started to rasp at the back of her throat. 

With just enough coins in her pocket for one soda, she deposited her money and withdrew her prize. The unlabeled red can appeared to almost glisten in her fingertips but was otherwise unremarkable as she held it to the light of the chandeliers overhead. She slowly inverted the can in her palm, attempting to gauge the amount of liquid inside and glean its nature only to find it packed to the brim. 

Sakuya pulled the tab and popped it open as a sweet scent emerged, reminding her of a lazy autumn day. A sweet scent of golden sake ebbed and flowed in pools of light from within the he darkness fo the can, almost like it was alive, encouraging the maid to drink deeply.

“Just a little taste wouldn’t hurt...”

No sooner had it touched her lips than a most peculiar thing happened. The entire can suddenly felt lighter, almost as though she had sampled the entire thing without so much as even an attempt to invert it. Sakuya withdrew it from her mouth, the lipstick stain on its rim serving as evidence that she did indeed drink from the aluminum vessel but without any signs of having done more than merely touched it.

She allowed her tongue to trace the edges of her mouth as she soaked in the sensation of deep warmth she had taken from the drink that now pervaded its way through her chubby body.

Chubby? No, what was she thinking, that was clearly wishful thinking.

The mistress had put her on this cleaning duty to try and help her lose weight as she was well beyond the realms of playful softness and had grown quite fat during her time at the mansion. She was so fat in fact that she had outgrown all the other girls who dwelled there by a considerable amount, so much so to the point of worry.

Everyone was worried about her and her non-stop eating habits. Where she had once been the hardest working of the denizens of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she was often the one found slacking in favor of snacking, so much so that she even earned chastise from the gate guard outside on occasion. 

Weekly shopping trips she made to the town were now enforced by a slow hover as she focused her once unbelievable powers to merely keeping her clothes on and trying not to embarrass herself further as her stomach grew larger by the day and threatened to eventually touch the ground.

She was morbidly obese, always had been, but her mistress had taken pity on her, eventually foregoing further attempts at traditional dieting. She had been in fact so kind to install these vending machines every few feet around the mansion in an attempt to encourage the quite lazy maid to heave herself to a standing position for even a few hours of a day to give some semblance of exercise to the young woman. 

The can slipped from her chubby fingers as she allowed her head to swim with the delicious tastes of a rewritten past and divergent future. She drummed her hands atop her enormous belly, allowing for a momentary lapse in concentration that caused her uniform to split.

”Thats the seventh one this month...the mistress is going to be upset again...”

Anxiety bubbled up for just a moment within her, rising to the surface before dissipating in a liberating burp which she attempted to cover behind an open hand. She was still a noble woman’s servant after all and had to act as such no matter how fat she became. 

But somehow, that feeling was all to liberating. She allowed herself a playful slap of her belly apron as it wobbled over her bloated thighs. She could get used to this every once in a while, especially if she were ever relegated to laying in her well furnished bedroom, being fed and cared for by the fairy maids of the mansion. 

The unmarked can rolled to her feet and well out of reach. Sakuya reminded herself she had never been good at self control. 

The maid, pleased with her rediscovery and feeling the thirst welling up within her enormous belly once again, allowed it to sag over her gargantuan thighs as she fumbled for any more coins left within the pockets of her tattered uniform...



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