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Food had always been a means to an end for Megumin.

It wasn’t just that it kept her alive by providing her vital organs the nutrients needed to sustain themselves, but rather a path to her ultimate goal; having an enormous set of boobs that would be the envy of all who saw them.

Genetics weren’t on her side, as her mother was a very lithe woman, and years of malnourishment had done more to stunt her growth in more places than just her height. A diet of scrounged scraps and stolen lunches had barely given her any chance to develop and she knew her years of rapid growth were quickly coming to an end.

So it came as a great surprise to her when Aqua’s business took off in such a way that landed her almost within reach of her heart’s desire. A bigger bust was what brought her into the realm of explosion magic but an over abundance of food would easily supplement that goal. Taking orders from Aqua was clearly a bad idea but Megumin was hedging her bets and was a firm believer in the end justifying the means.

Her first day on the job was at her thinnest. The restaurant staff had quit and she only knew the bare basics of scrounging a basic meal over an open fire. Without any money coming in, she was paid in produce which she gleefully took. Her appetite had been conditioned to eat whatever was available, whenever it was offered without question. The young mage had enjoyed the work and it had a lot of clear benefits.

The second week fared even better. She had been eating a full three meals a day, something which she had only dreamed of in her youth, and had quickly started to fill out as a normal growing girl should. This pleased Megumin who swore she could feel all those extra calories filter into her chest with every bite and only spurred her enthusiasm towards her duties. Anything which was left over, she could also take home as an added bonus!

The third week saw an even larger surge in size as her intake far outweighed her expenditure of energy. They were busier than ever and actual money had started to come in, but Megumin still preferred to take her payment in snacks. Try as she might, she had started to grow a little concerned about the rate at which her waistline was already out performing her chest, but considered it all part of the necessary changes for ascending into womanhood. Her thighs too had grown quite a bit, but she was convinced she was just filling out from the bottom up.

The fourth week saw Darkness approaching her with ‘concerns’ regarding her rapid change in size. While the blonde crusader had also bulked up considerably from helping out as well, it was more proportionately distributed to her upper half while Megumin continued to expand almost completely from below. Funnily enough, running around cooking and serving patrons started to earn her the moniker as ‘that wizard girl with the big butt’ which only continued to fuel her desire for popularity. Gaining weight the way she did was surely working and she dismissed her friend’s concerns as she finally noticed her bra becoming snug for the first time in her life.

It was in the fifth week that Megumin noticed that Aqua’s bad habits had started to rub off on her as she spent more of the day taste testing with her in the kitchen than actually getting anything done. Leaving Darkness to handle all the heavy lifting had allowed her to spend more of her time eating and that explosion of calories had a clear effect on her figure. Being so short meant even a small amount of weight gain looked exponentially larger on her, and nowhere was this more evident than upon her hips. Being paid to grow her body larger was amazing and the looks of adoration she believed she garnered as she waddled around town had inflated her sense of just how big her cleavage was getting. Where in reality they had only grown a few inches, this was far more than the mage could have ever anticipated and encouraged her further down the path of gluttonous excess.

The sixth week brought with it yet another surge in her size as a quarter inch was added to Megumin’s bustline and she could not have been happier. She was so happy in fact, that she had entirely overlooked the extra twenty which had appeared around her hips and thighs or the extra ten which had accumulated around her waist. Calling Megumin ‘fat’ entirely depended on whether or not you could see her lower half from her position behind the counter where she stored her treats easily within arm’s reach. Her flabby belly, though nowhere near as big as Aqua’s, had made its slow descent over her crotch as her thighs and butt flared to outrageous proportions behind her. While her upper body was still quite soft and rounded, it was the sheer thickness which her lower body had attained which had made her the talk of the town as it was now more than just the restaurant that knew her as ‘the mage with the big butt’. Whispers through alleyways and in the market place were again met by Megumin’s overfilled ego as she did her best to suppress the obvious happiness she felt as her chest jiggled with every lumbering step she took. Each flabby thigh rolled over the other like silk and would only grow even larger still as she entered her seventh week of work.




Whoa thanks to the commissioner ! Hope that it's not the last pic of "the mage with the big butt"