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The mini-fridge had advanced again, nearly doubling in size and weight and was now practically full sized. It had an ice machine built into the front and several multi-compartment freezer sections. Okabe peered into them, expecting their contents to be empty once again.

“True,” he began solemnly as he sunk his hands into the icy box. “But you still might be a glutton.”

As he had anticipated, Kurisu had indeed grown again, this time by at least another hundred pounds. The red head’s form had practically exploded mid-argument, making her round face grow even rounder as her double chin flourished into being. Her crimson hair became more unkempt and donned a slightly greasy sheen to it in reflection of her new diet of sugar and saturated fats. A bag of Cheetos and a box of raspberry filled doughnuts appeared under either arm which grew and plumped out into a pair of inflated wings. Every part of her had been buried under newly acquired fat.

“What makes you…*munch*…say that?”

The changes continued downwards as Kurisu continued to absentmindedly stuff her face. Her neck thickened and filled with fat as the food passed down her throat and fill into her breasts. Her healthy C cups began to bloat and expand outwards and downwards under the force of gravity itself. Her bra disappeared as they grew past the D stage, instead held only in place by the strain of her shirt where the outline of her nipples could clearly be seen. Kurisu arched her back almost instinctively as they filled into a couple of F cups which had been the bane of her existence ever since she was a teen.

“Honestly…*munch*…I feel the same.”

Okabe watched as every time her arms moved they would violently jiggle, almost as much as the belly which surged out and over her belt to help give her enormous breasts a bit of support. Her shirt quickly undid itself as more changes swept through her lower half at a rate which he could visually appreciate.

“This is how I’ve always been…*munch*…”

That plumping belly soon snowballed into an avalanche of flab which was quickly looking to spill out and onto her thighs. Her belly button, once a cute and shallow indentation rapidly transformed into a deep cavern, flanked either side by a deep set of rolls more befitting a woman of size and science. It was a double belly if there ever was one.

“By the way…*munch*…”

Okabe looked back at the crude diagram he had drawn up and had found that a single circle for her belly alone no longer cut it. Even the simplest caricature could not fully capture her appearance as Kurisu collapsed back down on a nearby couch, simply tired out from the act of standing. The drawing had morphed alongside of her body to capture the thickness of her folds as her hips and thighs were replaced by a bulging mass of blubber which befitted a girl who spent more time on her ass.

“Are you…*munch*…going to eat that?”

Her shorts stretched to fit but could only barely contain her twitching thighs which flooded with fat and forced her knees further and further apart. Everything about her jiggled from even the slightest movement as her calves and ankles completely disappeared. All that was left was a pair of rolls overflowing the sides of her favourite boots.

The changes were incredible and his theory had been confirmed. Kurisu looked none the wiser as Okabe’s face twisted into euphoric grin. He had theorised about sending messages into the past but he had somehow managed to go even beyond that and do so with food. He had done the impossible and created a time machine.

It was a joyous occasion.

At least, it would have been if it were not for the new scientific conundrum which they now faced.

Okabe’s eyes adjusted into the fridge’s dark depths as the smoky remains of dry ice dissipated to reveal their transposed treasure. He reached inside and withdrew a small red and white box.

“All of the sodas we bought are gone…and there’s nothing in here but chicken tenders…”
