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“I never thought I would see this day.”

Now Okabe was sure that he wasn’t dreaming. He had watched his assistant put in three cans and pull out two large bottles. She wasted no time undoing the cap on the first one and immediately began chugging it down. Where the smaller Kurisu of his memories would gently sip at her drink out of fear of triggering a brain-freeze, this much larger Kurisu seemed far more confident in her ability to chug such vast quantities like an old pro.

Curvy did not even begin to describe her body which had reached well into the definitive realm of chubby. Her chest heaved as she gulped mouthful after mouthful of liquid sugar, causing an undeniable jiggle to her already remarkable bust. Her shirt tails were starting to creep out from her leggings to make room for the second roll which now appeared over the softness of her belly’s swollen pudge. There was no hiding the roundness of her rear either as it swelled out to accommodate her new figure and caused her leggings to stretch along with them.

The couch sank noticeably lower as she lowered herself down next to him.

“About how many pounds did you say you put on?” Okabe asked as innocently as he could. “It’s a part of lab protocol to know the measurements of its members.”

“I didn’t read or sign the ‘pervert’ clause,” the chubbier Kurisu responded flatly as she prepared to open up the second bottle she had stuffed under her arm. “The number you need to know is ‘not zero’ and that should be enough.”

Okabe sighed heavily before immediately leaping to his feet and raised his hands up high. The speed at with which he moved caught her completely off guard.

 “I think I finally understand what’s going on!”

“W-what is it?!”

The way the light caught his lab coat almost seem to make it flutter through the long shadows of early evening. The streetlights outside were starting to come to life, further painting the menacing glean in his eye and the twinkle of his smile. He slammed a palm against the wall behind her, causing her to recoil in unprovoked terror.

“Fu-fu-fu! Oh my, I’ve managed to put things together before the genius girl did! I guess that makes me the true mad scientist amongst all of you!”

“What are you even going on about?! What is this?!” she cried, confused and just a little bit frightened.

“Why it’s so simple, my dear Christina! Your outrageously curvy body has shown me something which even you have clearly overlooked! It is the key to this whole mystery!”

Instinctively, she began to run her hands across herself, checking for any rips or tears which might have made themselves more obvious. All she found were her usual inches and rolls, safely bulging out of her shirt and dress pants as they always did. A yelp escaped her lips as she reached over her shoulder to inspect herself from behind. Okabe had seized her by her wrist.

“Unhand me this instant! What do you think you’re doing?!”

She gasped as he grabbed her upper arm and gave it an experimental squeeze. It jiggled within the confines of her shirt.

“As I thought! You have indeed gotten significantly fatter!”

“S-so what if I have!” Kurisu whispered, her face almost as crimson as her hair as she radiated embarrassment. She turned her head and continued under her breath. “It’s not like I’m that much heavier than when I joined!”

Okabe snapped his fingers decisively, causing her to look back in his direction.

“And that line of thinking is precisely what I’m talking about!”

He wheeled over the whiteboard where he had been pondering his calculations that afternoon. Kurisu uncapped her next bottle of soda as she attempted to recompose herself.

“Don’t you see! It’s got to do with the minifridge! Hooking your phone into the USB slot must have done something to the flow of space time. We had tried something like this with a microwave before but all I did was make gel bananas. The trick is not in heating something up, but rather cooling something down so much that all particles stop moving.”

“You’re talking about ‘absolute zero’ right? But Okabe-“


“Fine, Hoouin Kyouma, such a temperature is only theoretical. How on earth could a run of the mill mini-fridge cause…unless…”

Now it was Kurisu’s turn for her eyes to widen in realization. She began to pace, growing more restless as she ran calculations through her head while still suckling down the remains of her soda.

“But then…however…only if…of course…”

She slammed the empty bottle down on the table.

“Precisely,” Okabe finished with a sage nod.

“But changing space time is theoretically impossible. So, if you remember me being much thinner than I am now, how is it that I don’t remember me being ever in such a state?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, studying a lot when I was younger meant I didn’t have time to do much else. I started gaining weight from a young age and I guess my baby fat never really left as you can see.”

She gestured a hand across her round, plump body, her initial reservations lost in the excitement of a new discovery. A lifetime of eating and sodas had an exponential effect on her figure, helping to ease along the natural weight gain of adolescence and then some. She was starting to resemble Daru a little more, as her belly showed signs of catching up to her breasts which valiantly strained at her top. Her necktie hung even lower as another button had undone itself from around her collar and allowed her double chin to come in full force. He squatted down by her side and gave her belly a close examination.

“Without sounding like a complete pervert, I’m going to have to ask you to tell me your measurements.”

“Okabe!” Kurisu yelled as she thrust him backwards. Her other empty soda bottle rolled off the table as his back collided with it noisily.

“Please! It’s for the sake of the experiment!” Okabe pleaded, one arm still slung over the side of the coffee table. “Project Verdandi cannot proceed without accurate data collection!”

“Why Norse mythology?!” Kurisu said, horrified. “Why did you even name my weight gain?!”

“Oh, come on! You can’t say you’re not even the slightest bit curious as to how this all happened?”

“Of course, I know how it happened! I happen to like soda a little more than you do and during my years in America, it was all over the place so it really couldn’t be helped!”

“Think hard then,” Okabe chided as he picked himself up and brushed himself down. “What is the single unifying factor which may have possibly changed!”

“I don’t know that! If your theory is correct, then it would appear that I’ve established some kind of closed loop on myself. I won’t know if I’m any different but you as an outside observer will!”

“Then you’ve got to give me something! Anything tangible which we can agree on!”


“What was that?”

“I said TWO-HUNDRED! Two-hundred and four, tops!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That’s my weight, you airhead! And if you tell anyone that, I’ll erase you faster than that organization you dread so much!”


“POUNDS! I’ve spent so long in the States that I forgot you Japanese guys work in kilos over here…so that’s roughly ninety-two kilograms…”

“My calculator says its closer to ninety-three.”

“Fine, fine, ninety-three kilos it is…Just don’t tell anyone, okay…”

Okabe scribbled a very large “9” and “3” on the whiteboard with a crudely drawn stick figure of his assistant next to it. In place of the belly he drew a large circle, almost the same size as her head.

“Hey! What the hell is that! I don’t look like that!”

“Please, assistant. We are going to need a visual aid for this to work. Since neither of us have a cell phone with a working camera, this will have to do.”

Kurisu eyed the poorly drawn caricature of herself, complete with the blur of long red hair cascading down what appeared to be its shoulders. Her hands subconsciously moved towards her doughy belly, feeling it and comparing it to the size of her own head in her mind’s eye.

“You can’t be serious about this…That’s your control diagram? Any scientific journal would bring your methods into harsh scrutiny if you submitted something like this.”

“Early science stemmed from crude drawings once upon a time. We’ll just have to make do.”

Okabe trundled over to the bags which Kurisu had set down by the fridge. As he had expected, they had all changed from cans into bottles. Each one carried nearly twice as much sugar content and was sure to feed into his theory. He opened the mini fridge up again and placed them inside.

“Now then, you might not remember, but the first time I asked you, you said that you had put on maybe fifteen to twenty pounds. Now you’re over two hundred, that would mean you’ve put on at least another fifty. I believe that your gain is somewhat exponential every time the fridge is activated. We must recreate these parameters to see if the outcome is the same.”

His hand hovered over the flash-freeze button.

“Wait, you want me to get even fatter?!” Kurisu exclaimed, only now reaching an understanding of what would theoretically happen to her.

“It’s for the sake of science. We need to know how this is occurring. It could be the breakthrough of a lifetime!”

“How to make girls fat against their will? Is this like your secret fetish or something?”

“No, I’m talking about string theory! The concept of exchanging particles in one time-line for particles in another! Displacement of an object changing the outcome of events! Seriously, I expected such perverted thinking from Daru, but not from the likes of you. I guess you can surprise me every time.”

“I’m not….”

Kurisu’s words were momentarily lost in the moment spanning a length of a dream and the depth of an inspiration. The blinding flash which followed was unceremoniously heralded by the remnants of her objection as Okabe frantically flung the fridge open to observe the outcome of his experiment. 

“…a pervert!”



Farfalla Of Fate

Just found this, but god bless BBW Kurisu, and great work on the story so far! Interested in seeing where things go.