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With a hint of disdain, Megumin and Darkness waddled their way out of the kitchen, cradling their enormous bellies in hand. Aqua simply folded up her arms and continued snacking.

“Fine! Have it your way.”

She knew that her creative vision as the new head chef would rub others the wrong way. That had to be the case when it was clearly not her fat spilling out from very conceivable aspect of her dress and onto the table and other ingredients that was the problem. She could have kept her side rolls from spilling out as she waddled around the kitchen to do her duties, but why should that get in the way of her taste testing duties?

Aqua decided to instead press on, grabbing a nearby mixing bowl whose contents she greedily ‘sampled’. Megumin’s concerns with her using the ‘same spoon’ for every bowl and Darkness’ complaints of her ‘consuming’ rather than ‘tasting’ were clearly unfounded. By rights of how much space she occupied, these were her kitchen where her rules were law.

Her solution to such problems was a very simple one, either create a whole extra portion just for her to have with each order or make the customer portions smaller. Of course, she preferred the former, but charging the same for less ingredients meant that she could also pay her debt faster and was a sacrifice she was willing to endure. They could not understand what it was like to have your poor belly grumbling all the time and threatening to eat itself if you did not comply.

“The things I do for some people, and after they said they would help me…”

Aqua’s feet ached underneath her enormous mass but her lust for food had kept her going. To this end, she was sure she was ‘working hard’ as she equated the physical strain to her previous jobs in the labor industry. Working up a good sweat was always a sign of productivity and in her case, she was very productive indeed.

“Now where’s that Kazuma with the grocery run! I’ll have to get him to take over cooking since I can't rely on those two anymore.”

It was clear to see that Aqua loved the feeling of gorging herself, testing the limits of what a pig she could be as she slowly converted her debt into soft, jiggling fat. She loved it when her party members were initially so gung-ho about stuffing her to the gills, attempting to make as big a dent in her payments as possible by satisfying her urges to grow full to overflowing. Lately though, their attitudes had become a bit less focused on her as Darkness and Megumin’s own gains started to take precedent which further divided Kazuma’s attention as he attempted to keep up with the orders for all the girls.

Unable to find her tasting spoon, Aqua instead licked her fingers with an audible smack as she cradled the half finished bowl of offerings which Darkness had left behind. If only they could understand things from her perspective, then maybe they wouldn’t challenge her authority any further.

For the first time in a while, Aqua’s limited intellect sparkled to life as she contemplated possibilities outside of her next meal.

“There has got to be another way…”




Yay! The story continues about our day Goddess and her pudgy friends. I hope to see more! :)


What a good surprise ! How many parts left ?


Probably at least one or two more. shes certainly reaching peak sizes at this point