Thicc series: Jinx (Patreon)
Kinda funny to upload ‘jinx’ (bad luck) on the 21st (lucky black jack) or maybe it is just me...
Anyway, another in my mini series of ‘thicc’ girls (more like curvy most of the time) which are, at first, gonna be Teen Titans related. And yes, sorry for all the nudity! It’s something different, I know! Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy the more pear shaped Jinx in this case!
For further details here is the classic text for this series:
Interesting story: most of the ‘thicc series’ is a bit old and was from a time I was really thinking of starting a (secondary) new dA account specializing in thicc girls. I was going to keep that quiet and see if my art was worthy enough to get a following without an existing viewer base like as TPW. Like, you know, unbiased feedback. To see if I am any good...