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I got a little lazy and behind on properly posting about this, but May's gonna be a break month. I forgot to pause the billing so everyone was still charged like normal, but June will have a proper billing break to make up for it. I'll be working in June to make up for not working in May.

I'm gonna get caught up on posts shortly, but a major announcement I'll be making is that the Request tier is likely to end in June. I've discussed it on the Discord server, but no matter how many changes I've made, requests just inevitably eat up a lot of my time for very little financial gain.

I don't want to fix the time issue by making requests just roll over into next month, the time it takes to complete them doesn't warrant that, and I don't want people to effectively pay $30 for a single sketch. And I definitely don't wanna shear it back to at best three people, because then that's just three people I'm eternally pandering to and I don't really care to do that to be honest lol.

Not sure what's gonna replace it, if there even will be an equivalent tier for the request tier. I've learned my lesson about taking large queues and giving myself monthly deadlines for them, and I just can't do it anymore lol.

Suggestion posts like what I did the last couple months will continue to be a thing, because I have way less pressure to get those done. Poll art might come back, but I really want to transition my income model to being commission based. I haven't been able to do enough of those, and it feels like a crime that the Patron discount for commissions rarely gets to be use because I've been in a constant loop of being busy.

Maybe I could do a stream day and take little doodle requests to do in the stream, who knows! I'm open to suggestions. Thanks for your support and patience.


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