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I don't think I'm gonna be totally back until after my comic is done, which bare minimum is like next week? But hopefully it is done by then and I can shift into starting things I really want to do this year. The request tier has been shaved down, and they'll have their post up soon after this one.

Hopefully this month sees a return of:

  • Character suggestions (probably gonna limit myself to one or two there instead of how overboard the first one got)
  • Character polls
  • And commissions!

Probably not actually gonna get to the character poll this month with that last option in mind lol, but around the middle of this month I'm gonna open commissions again. This time I'm gonna cycle between Patron-only slots and public slots, probably 4 or 5 at a time. My sheet's gonna need another revision, but they're probably gonna start at 40 as base price.

In fact if you're on the $3 tier, that base price will knock down into the 30's anyway, so that's a steal for y'all lol. Hopefully I can do those! Hopefully this year will be a good one for growth. Thank you all again for the support.


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