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Sora's literally my dream-come-true Smash pick, so I went super hard on a piece to show my excitement! This'll drop on the internet later when he actually comes out, but I'm showing it here early because I'm really excited to share it! and also because i'm definitely going to forget to do any kind of plugs later on lmao.

This post comes with and without Sora (scandalous), closeups of everyone in it, a (very large i'm sorry) process video for Sora's early lining stage if you're interested, and the usual work files (which are also very large if you were interested i'm sorry aaaa).

You can all grab that HERE. 

It's the first time in a while I've tried tackling an art piece with this many parts to it and this much color rigging. I think it came out well, but in the future I'd love to tackle more involved compositions rather than just characters floating in place haha. You can see it in the process video, I kind of accidentally just made it bigger instead of keeping it simpler.

Hope you all like it!



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