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I'm gonna be working on the milestone pic through the rest of the month most likely, but I'm also gonna be doing some housekeeping on certain posts in here. I highly doubt anyone actually backtracks through the post archive, but good thing I had a policy to make all my content public eventually anyway lol.

Alright, so, I did a little updating to the tiers.

Some aesthetics of the tiers have changed, but the more significant part here is that the $1 tier no longer includes a server invite. Something recently prompted the change, but I was honestly contemplating it for a couple months anyway. $1 tiers are meant to be pretty non-committal pledges, and forcing a Discord join is pretty committal!

But, if you manually join the server anyway and show to me you've joined the Patreon, I'll hook you up with the supporter role anyway, it's no problem.

This next part's gonna be a bit of a sudden change, but other than Patreon requests I will no longer be using this page to host NSFW content. I've had thoughts for the last few months about making this change anyhow, because it's always just been really awkward to me advertising it on my SFW page when most of the content here is NSFW.

There is a specific thing that's prompting all this, but I won't go into detail about it here.

I don't intend to stop offering a way to support those endeavors either, and spent the last week moving all the NSFW posts I made on Patreon (sans requests posts which only request tier Patrons can see anyway) to Subscribe Star. More details on there.

The page is technically open now, but I genuinely really do not want you guys subbing to it early when I don't plan to make new content for it until next month lol. If this change bothers you, I understand. I do not like splintering my content either because it just sounds really backwards to make people pay twice if they want to support and see my stuff.

However, the best solution I have is that the supporter role in the Discord will continue to give you access to both the SFW and NSFW channel archives. For fairness sake, this will also apply to people who gain the role from the Subscribe Star page. This is subject to change in the future depending on if this is abused in any way, and you'll still need to be a member of either page to participate in the going-ons of those pages.

As I said before, there is something specific prompting this, and if this thing happens I'm likely gonna erase this section of the post. What I'm doing is really weird and I'm sorry. It sounds needlessly complex and roundabout, but I'm doing this so I can continue to make content comfortably. Even if I have to erase this part, it doesn't change the new policies I've made.

Apologies for any hassles this creates, and once again thank you for your support.


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