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  • entering_mouth.mp4



It's been a while so here's a quick update and some sneak peeks that i know you'll enjoy!

In the first two pics you can see shots from the Chloe game, as you begin your wonderful mouth route cause there's no point in downloading a size game if you don't get vored by some huge punk girl.
The third and final pic (some of you may remember it) is the shot that served the same role in the Emily game, i put them together for a lil comparison.

As you can see, my style has changed a bit, the shading in particular is smoother and more layered and i gotta say i'm really happy to see this improvement knowing you'll experience a much more detailed size game this time!
With that said, these improvements require quite a bit more time to do and with the mouth route being probably the most complicated and full of maps i think it's gonna take a bit more than i initially thought.

Do not despair though! Not only the maps will be more polished this time, but i implemented some very simple animations in most of them to make them feel more "alive".

In the downloads you can see there's an actual short scene for the moment you are put in Chloe's mouth, something that the Emily game was totally lacking.
I plan to make the insides of her mouth slightly animated too, while Emily's mouth was just a png image. If everything goes as planned, this game's scenarios should feel much more alive than the previous one!

With all of this, i just want to say that i'm trying my best to improve on what i did previously and give you a better experience every time, so i'm sorry if this is taking a bit, it's also cause i moved to a different house and that required so much work and effort... but now i finally have a new place all for myself to work so i'm sure things will get easier!
As always, thanks for your support and patience, if you want to keep track of what's left to do about the game: i need to finish the mouth route, then i'll only need to draw the toilet route maps and the little Frankie cameo (which i'm kinda excited about hehe).
Stay tuned owo



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