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So, here's a small but at the same time big detail for me that i've been wanting to share with you!
Another difference from the Emily game will be Chloe's voice, in fact, this time i didn't download some random copyright-free samples but i asked someone to give her voice to the character.
I also want to give you an extra trivia and i'll tell you that the girl i chose for the role has been casted for her appearance and style, yeah, i went as close as i could to Chloe's actual look and managed to get a punk redhead with light colored eyes (i wish i could straight up show her to you but for privacy reasons i literally can't do that).
Does this add anything to your immersion? I don't know, but it's just something that i'm happy i did, also even if the sound effects we recorded are very simple and there aren't actual verbal sentences, i still think that being able to play the character helped bringing her to life instead of having soulless stock sounds.
The small audio i left here, in fact, is an actual laguh we recorded while we were working on a different track, we thought it was cool to have a real laugh instead of a fake one, sounds more authentic!!
Before you ask: why not dubbing the whole game then? The reason is very simple, i'm not an english speaker and neither are the people around me i can work with, making them read actual sentences would bring a weird accent to the table i think would ruin immersion so for now this won't happen.
ANYWAY i wouldn't exclude the chance that i could have the possibility to work with actual american voice actresses in the future and give you even more immersion, after all i try to improve everytime, so thanks for your support!!!


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