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Hi guys! I know the things with the game are going through a bit of a slow down right now, but it should get better soon! As mentioned in a previous post, i'm currently moving into a new house, this will allow me to work better on my stuff since that will be my personal space + i'll have a second PC (my partner's one) which is also much stronger than mine to work on all my stuff.
This means that as soon as i finish moving i should have the chance to work way better than i'm doing now, the thing is, this took a lot more than it should have... to give you a little peek into my private life, i should have finished moving by january... yeah...
ANYWAY! Looks like after all these stressful months, things are actually getting to a closure and most of the work with the house is done already, meaning i should be able to make some gooood progress very very soon, i'll share a few stuff to keep you updated in the meantime, since you haven't seen everything i've done til now of course, but please be patient for just a bit longer and i'm sure the result will be worth the wait!
As always, thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me!



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