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I hope you all landed well in the new year and are ready to tackle another one. I'll take the opportunity to tell you about some changes that will come with 2024. If your short on time you can only read the underlined parts ;D

Future Posts: 

Posts will be longer (around 15+ pages minimum) and will (most of the time) include different concepts and categories. Most post start of pretty Sfw, showing of the character/outfit/body and gradually increase in naughtiness. You seem to be big ass/breast fans so i dedicate the ''pretty Sfw'' section to focus on these preferences. The naughty part includes different concepts mostly focusing on oral, sex, bondage and semen-based content.

Upload Schedule:

With this switch to longer post comes a change in the upload schedule. Henceforward, i'll post on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I choose this approach because i noticed that i had a lot more fun creating longer post and i think the quality improved too. Secondly posting daily short posts reduced my creativity and motivation to innovate.

Changes On Mega: 

Uploads will still be on the first of every month and will be password protected. Mega told me that they don't disable links with or without protection but it happened multiple times in the last year, so i hope protected links wont expire as fast. Folders on Mega now contain (firstname character) - (name of character) - (Tag1 + Tag2 etc.). In short you can now search folders by tag. I do that because i want to this years Mega folder to be easy to navigate and searchable by tag and character. See the picture below for an example of this months folder.

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas don't hesitate to write me a private message or leave a comment. Enjoy your day.





If it's anything like the adventure-like storylines running through the Christmas upload, we are in for a hell of a treat!


You're spot on! The Christmas upload definitely gives a good image how posts will look like in the future.