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Many days and hours of struggle later, i have finally managed to move everything to a different host, since MEGA is too unreliable and might just randomly decide to nuke my files or account.

I will be leaving up the Mega folders for the time being, but all future uploads will be posted on Iwara.zip until further notice, so please make sure to grab the latest working download links from the (latest) post in the comments of the respective Masterpost!





经过多天多小时的努力,我终于把所有东西都转移到了另一个主机上,因为 MEGA 太不可靠了,可能会随机决定删除我的文件或账户。

我将暂时保留 Mega 文件夹,但在另行通知之前,所有未来的上传都将发布在 Iwara.zip 上,因此请务必从各主贴评论中的(最新)帖子中获取最新的工作下载链接!



[T1 Masterpost]: https://www.patreon.com/posts/85266619

[T2 Masterpost]: https://www.patreon.com/posts/85266767

[T3 Masterpost]: https://www.patreon.com/posts/85329512




where is Mona's Escapades?


Hey, it's in july/2024 in a seperate folder. I meant to add everything in it's seperate folder like on MEGA, but the navigation and organization of this site is ass right now. The owner said they're working on something. In the future, files will be organized like before (i hope)


Is it possible to batch download from this new host?


I just made another throwaway account to test this out (it lets me batch download on my own files, so i assumed it'd work for everyone), but it turns out......no?! This is pretty shit. Well, in fact i've already been talking back and forth with the owner of the service, and giving shitloads of feedback (I'm basically the main beta tester from what it seems like). Unfortunately, you're prolly stuck doing single downloads but I can provide you the mega link for the time being, if you don't have it anymore. The old files are still going to remain on it for now, but i won't be paying mega premium anymore so i can't add anything extra. As i mentioned in another comment, i'll look into another hoster (like Gofile) if some of these grave issues don't get addressed soon.