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So… hi guys. I know this is long overdue. But I haven’t been doing well. But when am I ever? Right? I recently was diagnosed with Autism and PTSD. I already knew this beforehand. But that’s not the point. It really put things into perspective for me. A lot of what I do is a mask. And right now I’m going through autistic burnout. I don’t know when it will stop. But I’m exhausted from everything mentally and physically. I haven’t been taking care of myself. I won’t go into details. It’s just not good. Constant burnout and emotional flashbacks of my childhood really take a toll on me eventually. And then it’s the recovering from it that’s hard. I want to be productive and motivated but it’s just not there. I do have therapy offered for me but I’m scared to take the step. I’m so socially anxious. I hope you understand. I don’t know when I’ll be back. And I hate that. Please feel the need to unsubscribe if you want. But for those that want to still support me financially, I’d appreciate it. This took a lot out of me to say all of this. And I’m so scared of your guys’ reactions. I love and have deep gratitude to every single one of you. Thank you for following me. I hope to be back before Thanksgiving. I just feel stuck in time and I can’t get out of it. If you’re autistic, then you probably also understand. I feel like I can’t do anything. My mind and body won’t allow me to. And I can’t seem to take care of myself. I’ve just been unmasking at home and playing old school webkinz. That is how my days have gone. I haven’t left my house. I hope you can understand. Or at least try to understand. This was a lot. And I have a lot more to add but I think I need to learn to keep some things to myself. This took a couple days to write. I’ve been putting this off.

Love and gratitude,




Nothing but love dear. I wish you health


Your fine, and we look forward to seeing you once you recover. And btw webkinz are dope