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What do you prefer?

  • EVERYDAY posts with random illustrations (without any story behind them) 34
  • EVERY TWO DAYS posts with theme illustrations (with soem kind of story behind them, like I do now) 30
  • 2024-04-27
  • —2024-04-27
  • 64 votes
{'title': 'What do you prefer?', 'choices': [{'text': 'EVERYDAY posts with random illustrations (without any story behind them)', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'EVERY TWO DAYS posts with theme illustrations (with soem kind of story behind them, like I do now)', 'votes': 30}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 27, 23, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 27, 20, 26, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 64}


While finishing the tomorrows gallery, I thought it's a good moment to ask you guys what do you prefer to see on the Patreon, we have many new members, many old members etc. So let me know which "option" would you like to see more.

明日のギャラリーを終えながら、皆さんに Patreon で何を見たいと思うかを尋ねる良い機会だと思いました。私たちには新しいメンバーや古いメンバーなどがたくさんいます。それで、どの「オプション」を見たいかを教えてください。 もっと。

내일 갤러리를 마무리하면서 Patreon에서 무엇을 보고 싶은지 물어볼 좋은 기회라고 생각했습니다. 신규 회원도 많고 기존 회원도 많습니다. 그러니 어떤 "옵션"을 보고 싶은지 알려주세요. 더.



Or opinion three. Alternate between weeks. One week would be option a, then the next week would be option b. That way you can have periods of time to work with random themes/character, then times you can do stuff like the Kuki master set.