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The flickering candlelight paints my crimson skin with a devilish glow, highlighting the wicked curve of my horns and the playful glint in my amber eyes. You, slumped dejectedly over your ale, look like a warrior in desperate need of a skirmish – the good kind, of course. But fear not, my love! Leave the stress to me. Just close your eyes, and imagine the tension melting away with each stroke of my surprisingly gentle (but undeniably strong) fingers. Consider it a sneak peek of what a girlfriend like me can offer – a fiery massage to soothe your weary muscles, and a secret stash of pickled plums to tantalize your taste buds. Now relax, darling, and let the oni work her magic.





Sleepy Bee ASMR

I feel like im getting better at this! im proud of this one hahaha, what do you think?

Agon Ipsement

I am dead. The cozy if off the charts!!!