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Hi everyone, just wanted to give a quick update what I've been working on a combo of good news and really boring work.

Thanks to the amazing support from all of you, and the success of the ticket system, I'm at the point where I can start working full time on the game and will most likely quit my consultant job to do this when my current contract expires at the end of July! Working full time on the game have been my goal since its launch, so it's amazing finally being able to reach it!
On the more boring flip side, I'm stuck doing a good chunk of paper work at the moment, as I have to change my company type due to Danish law as I'll exceed the limit of how much I'm allowed to earn with my current one. Beside the boring paperwork, I'll also have to add sale taxes to the ticket system as this is required by law with my new company type >.< What the actual tax percent will be I'm not sure, working on figuring that out, but in the end I would like to avoid tickets increasing in price, so I'll most likely adjust the ticket price so it remains the same with the taxes added.

Finally about future seasonal skin (#SummerSkinsConfirmed), I've been thinking a lot of these should be free for Patreons as the former ones have been, especially now that the ticket have taken over the distribution of the skins.
I've come to the conclusion that it would be best to release them through the ticket system only, mainly because the sales taxes will cut into my revenue so the extra boost from seasonal skins will be a great help. It will also save me time as I don't have to spend time working on the Patreon unlock feature for it.
But before I come to a final decision about it I just wanted to mention it hear, to see if any of you have some inputs on it.

That's all for this time, lots of text but you can expect some recolor set preview in the next post!


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