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Happy Halloween everyone! Oh wait it's New Year already...

Damn guys I'm so sorry this thing took so long haha. Lots of things happened IRL including holidays and it ended up slowing me down a lot. I do believe I ended up putting a lot of effort into this photoshoot to make it a little bit special so I hope you like it! It is also much more focused on sex than the other photoshoot I did so far.

Anyway, as usual I want to thank you all for your patience. And I want to take the time to wish you guys a Happy New Year. This year was crazy for me and it wasn't easy at times but even with all my struggles you guys kept supporting me and believe me when I say I truly appreciate it. I will do my best to post more and better content next year. Starting by finishing that popularity poll video...

But in the meantime... Enjoy!





Well worth the wait! Have an amazing new year!


Such amazing job!! Worth the wait no doubt. Happy new year friend and I for sure will be here next one :D


Dame the hd in them photos them hot and happy new year to you as well and it's all good things turn out to be longer then plan but once you get your mojo back we the fans will be here 🙂👍🏾


Hope you have a great New Years, TF! See you next year!

eddie s.

Happy New Year TF!


Great work. 2022 will be your year.