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you guys are insane. Thank you very much. The bigger this number gets, the bigger the imposter syndrome haha. But honestly thank you so much, this means a lot to me. You have no idea.

Also about the comic, I'm pretty close to being done. But I am moving very soon. And just in case I don't get to release it before I leave and don't have internet for a few days, just know that as soon as I release it next month I'll send a message to all my patrons on this month who should have gotten it.

In the meantime, take care!



I love you


Mum: animating girls with cocks is not a real job, son. 1200 patrons later…


We love your content. :)


Yeah! Getting big, TF! Hope your move goes well, too. Be safe.

Draven Shadow

Congrats and I say it's something you deserve! You do awesome work and should rightfully be acknowledged for it.😁👍


Can't deny the artistry in your work, thanks!