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Hey guys, sorry for the long silence. Here's a new animated teaser for Erotic Showdown! Featuring the wining pose from the poll too! (Oh and don't worry, Melissa is getting ready to join the fun)


Alright so I got pretty busy in the last few weeks and I was actually working on the storyboard for this video so that I can send it to the VAs. But working on that was more complex than I thought... And it also made me realize how big of a video this is gonna be haha.

So here's the thing: This video won't be ready anytime soon. Main reason is that a lot of Voice Actress and myself as well are planning to get some days off for the holidays. Which I think everyone can agree is 100% understandable. So most likely the release of Erotic Showdown won't be before January at least.

What about A Terrible 2020?
Ah yes, AT19 was probably my biggest video so far, and I'm sure a lot of you guys are hyped for AT20. Well here's the thing... Since I've been working on a deeper story with stuff that includes pregnancy, I can't keep up with my videos to be happening in "real time" anymore. So my videos from this year technically happens only within a few months within the Terrible Universe. Which means A Terrible 2020 wouldn't make much sense, since the characters aren't in 2020 just yet... But this doesn't mean I'm dropping the video and character popularity poll.

A Terrible 2020 WILL HAPPEN. I will do the character popularity poll as usual and the concept will be the same. However, it WILL NOT BE CANON. I know this is a bit sad... last one was so interesting right? However I'm warning you, this AT20 won't be as lore intensive as the last one, and will be much shorter of a video. Last year that video took forever to do. And I'd rather not have this happen again. And for those of you who were really hoping to get a big video at the beginning of the year just like in early 2020... don't worry.

Erotic Showdown is the video you're waiting for!
Erotic Showdown is gonna be my "big" video of the year, it will feature multiple characters, and focus on fan favourites such as Alicia, Amy and Elysa. This one will be the equivalent of the A Terrible 2020 that you were expecting. The reason I've been silent for a little while is because of what I've said earlier. I'm working on the script and storyboard for Erotic Showdown and it's a big one! So get ready!

What else is coming this month?
Well... I'm gonna be working on a Christmas themed Animated Wallpaper. Probably a comic, and maybe a short compilation with POV. Also might try to throw Alicia's EX profile in there as well. So keep an eye out for those!

In conclusion, thank you so much everyone for the continuous support through another year. I can never thank you enough but I keep trying to make great content for you all to enjoy. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday time. I'll see you guys soon with more content!




Love it, very hyped. I love the physics and cock vein, very high quality! Will we get a money shot?

Unknown Guardian

You know what is funny? I actually don't like futa stuff... But for some reason your productions are an exception...


Oh I'm digging that thrust. Really looking forward to this one. You and the crew enjoy your holidays. Stay safe!


Ah, A Terrible 2018 and 2019 will be remembered as markers for the starting years of your animation work. But it makes sense. When you had originally made A Terrible 2018, to me it was to have a fun contest between your girls on who's the favorite of the fans. I also thought it was because it was a nice way to end the year in remembrance of the many videos you made during that year. However, those many videos were more so like introductions to characters, testing animations, having fun with experimenting different poses, holiday events, etc, but also to start world building. Now that you've invested yourself in some of your characters and there seems to be more story between the girls--animating, hiring and waiting on actors to record their voice lines, all the editing, it makes sense that the annual Terrible series will have to end so soon. Hey, with the quality content you've been creating, I'm fine with this. I'm glad to be a fan, a patron, and to watch you grow, TF. It's not over yet, but I hope you've had a good 2020 and happy holidays.


Nice work. Cant wait for the full version. Happy Holidays everyone.


I like the whole story and world you have going. Looking forward to the growth of it this coming year :)


You always come up with brilliant scenarios and stories. The vicky/val/naomi sister threesome was genius.


Can't wait to see the finished product