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Hey guys, sorry I've been quiet for a while. I've been having a lot of trouble animating stuff exactly as I want them. But the animations are almost completely done now.

Here's a few picture for you guys in the meantime. I'm really hoping this video to come out great, so I hope you guys didn't mind waiting too much!

I'm trying to do some stuff to keep you guys entertained while I work on big projects, but sometime I'm scared it's not enough. I'm sorry I'm taking so much time, I swear I'm doing my best! I'll see you guys with more updates as soon as I got more!




Dont worry about it man, your stuff is always worth waiting for 👍

Tyler Petty

Your stuff is always worth the wait just keep moving forward

Ben Polk

Have to agree with the two,keep your mental in the green and have faith in your abilities! We sure as hell do =)


Take all the time you need


Bro your stuff is so good: I'm happy with the amount we get as it is! Don't feel so bad. Life happens and animation is a lot of work!


So, first off, we Patrons are here and contributing money to you because we like your work. we like what you produce. I, and based on the other comments pretty much everyone else, agree that your work is great, high quality stuff and worth the wait. It takes time to make a quality product. And like you've said in the past: you're trying new techniques, doing things differently, experimenting and learning, and are very particular about the final product. We all understand and support that, and we know it takes time, and we all KNOW YOU WOULD DO IT FASTER IF YOU COULD. But thats not the way this works. You can't construct a building or paint a masterpiece in a day. So please, take all the time you need.


Second, if you really do want to keep us more updated, maybe do a progress bar thing of some kind? Or just a Post that says something like Ongoing Projects Project 1: 20% Project 2: 70% etc. No need for timeframes or anything, since you have said in the past its hard to estimate those kinds of things, but (and i'm just guessing here since i have no idea how video creation works?) there must be points or milestones that can translate to "I am X% amount done with the work necessary to produce this video." and then you would just keep it pinned at the top and update like every other week or something? That way we can be aware of how far along things are and temper expectations accordingly? Also, personally I used to wait months for the next Harry Potter book to come out as a kid, read it in like 2 days and then go back to waiting for months at a time. So i'd rather you take as long as you need to make it good and not stress yourself out with whether or not you're updating us enough. We're all very much looking forward to when you're done with it, and it takes what it takes. Plus like (assuming you live in the US) everything is shit, half the country is on fire and the other half is about to be flooded. There's enough problems, i'd rather you didn't beat yourself up over this.


I would do that but im like very bad at gaging that kind of stuff. Id be that stupid progress bar that gets stuck at 99% for years 😅

John McCarthy

Whats with the old broad ? she looks like she can haunt a house ... or did she tie one on the night before ? ...


You've always come through with great content. No need to fret! :)


Take all the time you need to do it rite.

jim ross

Should we be expecting something this weekend?


No, because even if I finish the animation by then, I need to record stuff, send it to VAs and Video Editor and wait for them to complete it. So it will take a little while still.