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It took a while and it wasn't without issues but there it is. My longest video to date with 24:36 min long. I'm still a bit disappointed I didn't get to animate the full thing, but at some point you gotta let it go. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it a lot still!

Again, thank you so much for your patience and support. I truly appreciate it. I can't wait to start working on new things for you guys. But first, I'm gonna get some sleep..!

I'll be uploading the 1080p and Alternate Versions tomorrow but in the meantime... enjoy!

(Also please no spoilers in the comments about who wins and make sure you watch till the end ;) )
*Edit: Added Mediafire link





You’ve done an amazing job, and the girls are just beautiful


Awesome. It even gets a bit dramatic towards the end ! Loved every bit.


VERY IMPRESSIVE WORK, Fairy!!! Animation, voice actresses, great poses and storytelling are top notch! Keep it up!


Great job 👍 fairy. Your videos just keep getting better and better. Loved the voiced acting felt like I was watching a full show. Definitely wanted to keep watching. Nice teaser at the end.


Youve done well. Crack open your drink of choice and relax for a few days. we all appreciate this.


the pose changes when each futa is cumming really adds to it great work

Tyler Petty

the after crdite was nuts things are about to go down who is that girl or futa at the very end of the vid.

Tyler Petty

also you did a good job the years of work and style really paid off


It turned out really good love it


So first, review of the video itself. Great animation, its very clear you spent a lot of time getting the various movements/animations to be as fluid as possible, they did not come across as stilted at all. As for the transition from full animation to frames with voice over, it didn't affect the quality at all and is something i hope you continue using in the future, as it seems like a good compromise between "i want to include a decent amount of story" and "i want to get things produced in a reasonable time and not spend months animating every single gesture." Second, and you totally don't have to answer these, but just a few questions for going forward. and i apologize if you answered these before, i recently joined and i haven't had time to go back through all the old posts. 1. have you considered or do you releasing a "roadmap" or sorts for the coming year of the pairings you plan on showcasing in the videos? 2. connected to question one: if there is a fan favorite character (say Elysa) that won't appear in any of the videos in 2020, will we still be able to vote for her in the 2020 poll? 3. not for the full length videos you produce, but for the shorts you talked about doing, would you consider letting us vote on characters that haven't appeared in a while (like Rachel & Caitlyn from a Terrible 2018) to feature in the shorts? No idea if this makes any sense, just tossing the idea out. as always, thank you for your time and effort, we all greatly appreciate it

lucas siraj

Great video. I want to see more futas impregnating the girls :3


First of all I just have to say the music is AMAZING! I LOVE it! I can now see what you were talking about with the animation. Its a shame you couldnt get the rest animated but what can you do. The introduction was great. Elysa is quite a bitch isnt she. Oh well I wouldnt kick her out of bead. lol I mean have you SEEN how hot she is? Cant wait to see what else happens.

lucas siraj

A laborious idea: The comics have the X-ray effect, I think in my opinion that this can be interesting to put in the animations.


Thank you for the kind words! Here's the answer to your questions: 1. I don't think about releasing a roadmap of the upcoming pairing as I'm the kind to change my mind very often. 2.If a character isn't featured for the year they won't be in the poll or they will be under a "people you wanna see back category" However I tend to try to bring back the favorite first so it's unlikely that a character like Elysa won't be featured in a video this year. 3.I was actually thinking about letting you guys vote on stuff like that when I'm unsure of who I wanna do next. So this is possible


I've been trying to find a 2d animator to make me some x-ray animations I could use in my videos to no avail for a while now :(


Amazing work and you should be so proud of what you've created here! As a creator, it's often a worthwhile lesson to push yourself to this extreme and have some level of "bit off more than I can chew". Knowing how to manage yourself and your energy is key, and knowing that your reserves of time and energy are not infinite is important. It may not seem like it now, but the pain you went through with this will pay dividends later and in ways you probably won't even be aware of for some time. Congrats on the achievement, and I look forward to more. :)


Amazing job ! Of course we would've loved more animation, but I disagree with the poster above who asked for less talking and more action. I love the story between those girls and it seems bigger things are coming. Thanks a lot for your dedication. Get some rest, you deserved it :)


Grate job, it turned out awesome!


Completely understandable point of view. I do want to keep the main focus on sex for future videos. Tho I wanted some big narrative for this one. Hopefully you enjoyed it still!


This turned out great! I really liked the setup for #1 and story was good. However I would've really liked to see more animation for #1s since they're the highlight of the animation. She would've been in character going in for seconds as well and would've been great to see an "angry fuck".

Dylan Stewart

Loved this. I only recently became a patron so I couldn't vote on my favorite. But I'm glad to see she won anyway. I was kinda surprised the twins didn't get a cumshot each or at least a shared one. Seeing as Luna never gets cummed in, I guess it makes sense.


I was hopping for Alicia and Amy to be the couples to win together. Loved the video still. Having Elysa and the twins together would have more sense since she does more than one partner at the same time. During the video I was hoping for Amy to slug Elysa at some point when she came to "talk". I love how you made Alicia stand up to Elysa, go Alicia. I think the last video you Elysa was the one that gave her the Hail Mary though.


Man I really wish that last scene had dirty talk. Great animation work though

Alec Randles

I really didn’t like the ending, sorry bro, just couldn’t get me off with that