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Hey guys, A Terrible 2019 is going to come out in April. However I know that we're in a rough time and money can start to be more of an issue. So if any of you guys have to remove your pledge for April and are disappointed that they didn't get to see A Terrible 2019 AC or any content related to it yet, don't worry.

As soon as I'll release any version of A Terrible 2019 or if I release any comics / profiles next month, you can just send me a DM to let me know you were a Patreon in March and if I can confirm this I will let you access any of the things that your tier would have let you access in March.

I know it's taking me a while to finish AT19. It honestly is taking way longer that I would have wanted and I'm really sorry for it. Just know that when I said it would take me more than a month in between videos starting in January this year this is NOT what I meant. Clearly I have underestimated the time it would take me to make AT19 and I will do my best so that it doesn't happen again. The average time between videos should around 2 months, not 4.

This is why I've decided to give you guys access to any content I release in April as if it was released on March. Some of you might wonder why I'm not just skipping April's Patreon fee. Well this is because Patreon is my only income. So as much as I would love to give you guys a free month, this would means that I don't get paid for a full month. So I unfortunately can't afford that.

So this sums it up. I hope everyone is going well during these times. Stay safe, and wash your hands..!



Hello, just wanted to say a few things. First, thank you for being so upfront about the status of where your projects stand and why you're doing what you're doing with regards to patreon subscriptions and payments and such, its helpful for me as a pledge to get a feel for whats going on. Second, and I have no idea how you produce the content you do so this question is probably pretty stupid, but do you have a sense of why this particular video took longer? I'm mostly asking cause i'm curious in a general sense (like does it have to do with the larger then usual number of characters and related scenes, because of video length, or something unrelated to all that?) My apologies in advance if this bothered you. Lastly, I hope you stay safe as well!


Its a lot of thing I guess. First off the fact that there are many dialogue. Most of then requiring lipsync animations which can take a while. Then about 60% of the video is SFW / casual animations like characters siyting together, walking around, or singing which all requires more than just their lips moving. Its actually more complex than just doing a sex animation. As those are loops with a little bit of extra. But the casual animations are different from start to finish (hope Im explaining that right). Another thing is there are a lot of characters featured. So like for instance I had to prepare the room they'll be in, in order to have room for all of them. I had to delete stuff and add other to make sure everyone had a place to sit/stand which isnt something I usually have to do. I also have to make it so the camera angles I'll be using wont show more than 3 characters at once (because of animating software limitation). All of these adds up to me having to prepare and set up much more stuff than in my usual videos. Im sure the result will be worth it. But its really time consuming. More than what I first expected.


Completely understandable. I know animating gets more time consuming as well when you include more actors. I don't mind waiting, just keep me up-to-date and I'll be cool.


That's awesome of you TTF! Thankfully I still have my job so I'll stay pledged. I can't wait for this video but at the same time I hope you take care of yourself first and foremost!


I indeed think its a bit long to wait meanwhile. But I guess you will show up with a fine video soon and maybe plan a bit better for the next one, to prevent such waiting times. And I wont skip my (just tiny) payment obviously. Go on .. stay home and stay safe :)


I was a patron for march i don't remember what tier it was tbh


I can verify. It says you were in the 5$ tier. So you can get anything that this tier would get this month even if you're not a patreon anymore.


I was a patron in march can you pls confirm this