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Ok sooo. Here's another update on what's going on with me right now, because I don't like leaving you guys without answers for too long.

-What's happening with November's Video?

Well I'm still working on it! However now I'm at a point where I have sent clips to Elysa's Voice Actress and I've done auditions for the other girls but... Now I simply have to wait.

I have to wait for some voice actresses to send me their audition. I have to make my picks. I have to send them the scripts, and then I have to wait for them to send me their audios so that I can do the lip sync animations. Finally, I can start the recording and then video editing.

I'm sure you understand that all this can take a while. And this isn't the VAs fault, this is mine for taking so long before I could get to the point where I could send them the necessary stuff for them to work.

I am still fully motivated to complete and release this video as soon as  I can, but I don't think there is anything I can do to make it any faster for now.

-So what does that means?

It means that I will still release the video ASAP but it might take a while still. Especially with the holidays on their way, it's gonna get harder for me to be able to work a lot. But I will do it for sure whenever I got the time. When the video will finally be released, I will not only post the link on here as usual, but I will also send a link to any patreons who pledged during November / December. So if you didn't plan to pledge for too long, and are disappointed because you might not be able to keep your pledge active for when this video is released, worry not. As you will receive a link even if your pledge is removed until then.

-What about December's video?

I still plan to do one. Probably a really short one. And I might actually start working on it soon. Since I'll have to wait for the Voice Actresses to do some work on November's video, I might as well start doing some stuff for December's video in the meantime. So it's not impossible that you'll see teasers / contents for December's video, before November's video is even released.

-And going forwards?

Well, I can tell you that things might change a lot starting 2020. We're about to start a 3rd years of Terrible Fairy, and I'm planning to make some big changes in this new year. But be sure that whatever I do, I will always keep doing my best to deliver great quality content for you all to enjoy. I thank you very much again for the amazing support. Trust me, I really appreciate it.



I love your stuff. Good characterization and feels like real people (in a fun, porny sense).


Your stuff is always worth the wait.


Do what you have to do, the waiting is always worth it in the end ;D


I first saw one of your videos on pornhub, It was You Are Mine, and I watched your channel for a long while after that. I loved that you focused on FutaxFemale and how you always made longer videos instead of just short 30-40 second ones, I finally pledged right before the first Trick video (sidenote: If you don't already have something planned, I think Amy and Alica's first Christmas together would be great for a quick video for December) and have been here since. Watching you improve so much over that time in every area with the videos themselves while also adding things like voicelines and stories has been awesome. Can't wait to see the big news for 2020!

Fridolin Bernstein

Hi Terrible Fairy, i don't know, how your casting of Voice actresses work, but I want to give a shoutout to nightfawn. I really love her timbre and she would ne a perfect fit for one of your more younger 18+ girls. https://www.soundgasm.net/u/nightfawn Keep up the good work - and btw you can really take a month off, if you need to rest.


I'll keep her in mind for future work. I usually do casting calls on the discord server for Adult Voice Actors, but it happens that I go directly for someone in particular. Right now I actually have the full cast selected for Elysa's video though. I am now waiting for them to send me their audios so that I can start lip sync. One of them already did so I can start working on that now. :)