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Here's the 1080p version of Otherworldly Wedding AC! Enjoy!





Hmm, gotta be honest here, not a big fan of this one and its probably the first video you've made in a long long time where I could say that. Everything just seems really disjointed and kinda 0 to 100 throughout. As an example just from the intro, random teases of whats to come as Cynthia plays, to a cut of Cyntha standing outside the gates, to a cut of all 3 girls, to just instant full on action. And that style carries throughout the rest of a video, with the cuts to the house and then back to the scene. I know you mentioned you were really up against time here and I think you did a good job trying to make a little story here all things considered, but I really would have preferred a style of video more like your older ones where its just full on sex throughout in this case, so we could get some more action. Everything just feels kinda half and half to me. Also gotta say, wasn't a big fan of the overly red lighting style. I know its Halloween themed and everything but it just felt a bit overdone and just too dark in some shots, would have preferred more natural color Now I don't want to be completely negative because theres a lot of good stuff here too. The costumes look fantastic all throughout, which is why that red lighting filter bothered me so much, all 3 girls look so good you should really show them off! The sex positions were great, loved the DP and especially the last one, you're really great at picking out sexy and interesting ones and Cynthia being pounded as she worships Lucy's cock was fantastic, I really love that kind of stuff. Also loved the POV camera angle and the way you did the facial, I know you said its basically impossible to actually do a cumshot in real time but that was a great way to get around it. I really hope POV and the facials are two things that make their way into your video more often moving forward, that final closing shot of Cynthia completely covered was so good! I hope you see this as constructive criticism, not trying to shit on you or anything. This is not a bad video by any means especially considering you made it in basically 2 weeks, but you've been making really really great videos pretty much the whole year and this one just didn't really "click" with me like your previous ones have.


Aw that's unfortunate, I personally really liked the final result. But it's okay I mean I can't please everyone every single time. Let me still go through what you said and give you my thoughts. So for the action going often from 0 to 100 like you said, I actually tried to follow the rhythm of the song. But maybe it was off or unfitting to the situation. About the red lighting, well actually no light is set to red. But I agree, everything is quite red, and I tried to make it less so by adding blue and green lights but maybe this ended up making it look darker. The reason why everything look so red is because most of the room texture IS red. Which ended up blending with everything else. About the cumshot, well I'm still not satisfied with how it looks. The worst to me is that shitty "white dotted line" for the texture of cum going out of the penis. I was trying to find someone to help me replace that with something much better but unfortunately I can't seem to find anyone who can help me with that. Finally for the POV, it's something that I also think is pretty cool, but a lot of the time, they really look like shit. Going into someone's POV in one of my animation often ends up giving a real bad angle where you cant see much or even end up clipping through the other character's body. Which is basically the reason why I'm not adding much of those. Anyway I'll do my best to make something that you'll enjoy more in the future! Thank you for your criticism!


I really love this one TTF! I think the costumes are really inventive and sexy! Can't wait to see more of a comic for this one! I gotta say, the 0 to 100 thing, where the action is inter-cut with non-action scenes, is actually one of my favorite things! I find it incredibly hot, I'd even say it's one of my fetishes. Porn trailers do that a lot, cut rapidly from SFW dialog to hardcore action to back again. In fact if it were up to me, I would've added the sex sound effects to the intro clips to make it even more jarring! The only thing I really wish there was more of in this scene is actual spoken dialog, like you have in your other scenes, particularly DURING sex. But I understand voice acting is expensive. Always looking forward to your next work!


Hey thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed my video! About spoken dialogue, at least to me, I don't feel like voice acting is that expensive really, mostly that it takes some time to add talking animations and such. But also this time around I was really short on time and reused old audios and didn't commission any VA for it. I'll keep doing my best! Part 2 of the comic should be coming up soon too!


I enjoyed Otherworldly and I was amazed that you were able to get it out there so quickly after the fabulous work you and MMJ did on Campfire Memories. The two finished videos you and MMJ collaborated on are some of the best work I've ever seen and the voice acting dialogue was awesome. Don't worry about the whiners who babble on with petty disappointments, they're mostly just full of themselves.